Friday, June 22, 2012

Class C IP SEO and the world of online marketing and e-commerce ...

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Class C IP SEO and the world of online marketing and e-commerce

Article by Jack Madison

Class C IP SEO and the world of online marketing and e-commerce ? Internet ? Web Hosting

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Class C IP SEO makes Multiple C Class IPs scattered over unpredictable range of Class C. the C Class IPs have the power to dismiss the search engine spiders from, poking their nose and ban the sites suspecting as spam or other malicious elements.

Class C IP SEO has tremendous capability in altering the online business status of a company. SEO can drastically change the SERP of a website and bring it to the initial pages over leading search engines across the world.

Some integral facts on Class C IP SEO

? SEO is successful because of the capabilities of the C Class IPs. These IPs host multiple websites over them and give them different identity as individual and unrelated sites, which is the basic need of SEO hosting.

? Organic SEO hosting is very essential for all the websites, so that they can adhere to SEO standards and bring outstanding results.

? White hat SEO methods involve optimization of graphics, scripts, managing Alt tags and Meta tags with the content, simplifying the page flow for easy accessibility by search engine spiders and human visitors. This practice ensures the websites adhere to SEO standards and yield better results.

? Assigning the domains with Class C IPs those are from different C Class ranges having distinct name server, rDNS and information, is really a great step towards avoiding search engine spiders threat and ensuring worthy back links.

? All these sites get highly valued by the search engines and the link value is added to the money site?s link value, helping it increase the page ranks over leading SERPs.

? Class C IP is the main reason to ensure higher ranks for the money making site that gradually leads to heavy inbound traffic and plenty of visitors. These visitors drive the sales figures up and increase the revenues for the webmaster.

? SEO hosting is the best medium of online brand promotion. It ensures the money site to lead the SERPs and get it popularized at the same time. Because high ranking sites have the opportunity to feature at the top most positions and more people get to browse through it. There is no need of extra advertising in this regard.

? The servers support the SEO hosting operations throughout the time. SEO hosting is the best facilitator for online marketing and various e-commerce based applications.

? Uptime and bandwidth of the SEO hosting server is responsible to leverage the performance of websites in online marketing. So care must be taken to maintain the maximum possible server uptime and bandwidth to ensure great results.

About the Author

About Author:

There is a great need to contemplate Class C IP SEO so as to help webmasters achieve the best of results on their website?s PR and SERP. Firms such as Page1Hosting are some of the only few authentic SEO Hosting options that need to be formulated with the sole intention of knowing which are the best optimization strategies available in the market today.

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whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Jack Madison

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SEO Hosting question by vigeee: Do server mirroring affect ranking in search engines?
We have an e-commerce site that is yet to be popularized online. We have planned to overcome the problems of server downtime by hosting the website in two different servers one is primary and the second one is reserved. By default, the bot fetches data from the primary server. In case of downtime issues in the primary server, the bot will fetch data from the secondary server. Will this technology affect SEO? Do search engines index both the ip address of the servers and think if it is duplicate?
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