Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Woman accused of Arizona lover's death sent flowers after killing

PHOENIX (Reuters) - A woman charged with capital murder in Arizona testified on Monday that she sent flowers to her former boyfriend's grandmother days after killing him, which prosecutors said showed the lengths to which she went to cover her tracks.

Jodi Arias, 32, could face the death penalty if convicted of murdering 30-year-old Travis Alexander, whose body was found in the shower of his Phoenix area home in June 2008. He was shot in the face, stabbed 27 times and had his throat slit.

In graphic testimony about her relationship with Alexander, Arias has admitted to killing him but said it was in self defense after he attacked her when she dropped his camera while taking pictures of him in the shower. The prosecution has said she killed him in a jealous rage.

Prosecutor Juan Martinez told an Arizona court on Monday how, several days after the killing, Arias sent 20 white irises to Alexander's grandmother, who had helped to raise him in southern California.

"You went out of your way to contact Mr. Alexander's family, didn't you?" Martinez asked Arias. "You actually sent ... her irises ... and in addition to that you attached a note, right?" he added, saying the note indicated the grandmother was in her prayers.

"Yes," Arias replied, before Martinez shot back that she lied about feeling sympathy for Alexander's grandmother as "just a way to assuage your guilt."

"That wasn't my thought," Arias replied.

The testimony came on the second day of cross examination by the prosecution during which Martinez sought to depict Arias as a jealous schemer who tried to cover her tracks by lying to friends, family and police after killing Alexander.


The court heard on Monday how, after Arias was arrested in July 2008, she gave a contradictory story to a detective investigating the killing, telling him that she was not present at Alexander's home on the day of his death.

Martinez confronted Arias with how she subsequently changed her story a day later after learning that her fingerprints and a photograph retrieved from Alexander's camera placed her at the scene of her lover's killing.

"You changed your story to comport with the forensic evidence that he was telling you about. ... You did not want any consequences regarding the killing of Travis Alexander, right?"

Arias said she was not "concerned about consequences."

Martinez also cast doubt on previous testimony in which Arias said that, after she told Alexander she was moving away from the Phoenix valley, he struck her with the back of his hand while they sat in a car.

He went over a journal entry Arias had written for that day in which she called Alexander her "best friend in the whole world" and noted that the couple had shared three "very tender kisses" before parting that day.

"This entry does not corroborate what you told us happened in the car ... does it?" he said. Arias agreed that it did not. She admitted there were no photographs, medical or police reports to back up her claim that Alexander struck her.

During aggressive cross examination, Martinez also questioned Arias about an alleged attempt she had made to kill herself with a razor in jail, following her arrest, in which she stopped after she "nicked" herself.

"You stopped because it stung. Can you imagine how much it must have hurt Mr. Alexander when you stuck that knife right into his chest, that really must have hurt right?"

Arias' attorney objected. Her eyes brimmed with tears, although she did not respond.

(Reporting by Tim Gaynor; Editing by Cynthia Johnston, Richard Chang and Lisa Shumaker)


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Court takes up question of arrestee DNA sampling

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Salisbury, Md. police department thought they had finally caught a break.

A man wearing a hat and scarf and brandishing a gun had raped and robbed a 53-year-old woman in her home and then vanished into the night. Almost six years later, Alonzo King was arrested in a nearby county and charged with felony second-degree assault. Taking advantage of a Maryland law that allowed DNA tests following felony arrests, police took a cheek swab of King's DNA which matched a sample from the 2003 Salisbury rape. King was convicted of rape and sentenced to life in prison.

But then a Maryland court said it had to let him go.

King was never convicted of the crime for which he was arrested and swabbed. Instead, he pled guilty to the lesser charge of misdemeanor assault, a crime for which Maryland cannot take DNA samples. The courts said it violated King's rights for the state to take his DNA based on an arrest alone. The state Court of Appeals said King had "a sufficiently weighty and reasonable expectation of privacy against warrantless, suspicionless searches."

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will try to balance the rights of Americans who have not been convicted of a major crime to keep their DNA out of the government's hands against the government's interest in closing cold cases and the rights of crime victims to finally see justice done.

If the justices rule for King, more than 1 million DNA profiles that have been stored in a federal database for matching with future crime scene evidence may have to be purged and others will never be collected, leading some repeat offenders to go free, advocates say.

"The early collection of DNA prevents crime," said William C. Sammons of the Maryland Coalition Against Sexual Assault. "Had the recidivists been identified early in their career through arrestee collection, they would not have been able to commit the bulk of their crimes."

But privacy activists see letting police use DNA information without a warrant or a conviction as another loss for American privacy, with Americans' genetic information held by the government eventually being used for other purposes, just as Social Security numbers were originally not intended to be used for identification.

"Regardless of what the government does with the DNA sample and the limits it places on the sample's use, all the highly personal data in it is in the government's possession, and outside the individual's control," said Jennifer Lynch, lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Getting DNA swabs from criminals is common. All 50 states and the federal government take cheek swabs from convicted criminals to check against federal and state databanks, with the court's blessing. But now 28 states and the federal government now also take samples from people who have been arrested for various crimes, long before their guilt or innocence has been proven. According to court documents, the FBI's Combined DNA Index System or CODIS ? a coordinated system of federal, state and local databases of DNA profiles ? contains more than 10 million criminal profiles and 1.1 million arrestee profiles.

Victims' rights groups argue that the earlier the DNA test, the earlier repeat criminals are put in jail. And since arrestees already have to tell police their names and give them their fingerprints and any identifying documents they're carrying, they have no right to hide genetic information that could help solve cold cases, they say.

"Arrestees have no greater interest in withholding the identifying information used in DNA fingerprinting than in withholding traditional fingerprints. The only difference is that it is a better means of identification that is more effective in protecting the public from recidivists like Alonzo King," said Jonathan S. Franklin, a lawyer for DNA Saves and other victims' rights groups.

The Obama administration added that the government's interest in solving crimes outweighs the right to keep personal genetic information secret. "The government ? and society at large ? has an overwhelming interest in solving crimes," which not only helps victims but also exonerates the innocent, Solicitor General Donald B. Verrilli Jr. wrote in court papers.

Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union see DNA evidence as a slippery slope, however.

"In less than 25 years CODIS has expanded from including samples only from persons convicted of serious felonies, to the now-routine collection of DNA from persons convicted of any felony, to samples from persons who have not been convicted of anything but have merely been arrested for minor offenses," said Michael T. Risher, lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Northern California.

He said that expansion is best seen in California, which seizes and searches the DNA of everyone arrested for any felony ? leading it to have the third-largest DNA database in the world, after the United States and the United Kingdom.

"The brightest, most fundamental line in our criminal justice system is the one that separates those who have been convicted of a crime from those who are presumed innocent," Risher said. If the government can cross that line to collect DNA, the database can grow without limit, he said.

Governments rarely get rid of the samples once they have them. Only nine states that collect DNA from arrestees automatically expunge samples from individuals who are not eventually convicted, court papers said. "The other states and the federal government retain these samples even when the subject has never been convicted, or even charged, of any crime," he said.

The Supreme Court is expected to make a final decision before summer.


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'Vampires' attack penguin chicks

Watch the bats feeding on the unsuspecting birds.

Documentary makers have filmed vampire bats preying on Humboldt penguin chicks.

The team travelled to the outskirts of the Atacama Desert in southern Peru to record how the penguins interacted with other species.

Despite anecdotal evidence of the bats attacking penguins, the behaviour had never been recorded before.

The extraordinary footage features in the BBC One series Penguins: Spy in the huddle.

Humboldt penguins breed in coastal South America where they hunt fish in the cold waters of the current also named after the German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt.

The production team were first drawn to the location by the abundant wildlife, particularly the penguins' survival struggles against a neighbouring colony of 20,000 predatory sea lions.

Although they witnessed vampire bats feeding on the sea lions, it took patience and specialist kit to witness them attacking penguin chicks.

Producer Matthew Gordon admitted that when they first began filming, they were sceptical that the bats fed on penguins.

"Although the local scientists had seen evidence of bite marks on the penguins' feet, no one could say confidently that it happens as they had never witnessed it before," he told BBC Nature.

In the dark caves that are home to the penguins, Mr Gordon, fellow producer Phillip Dalton and cameraman Jim Clare waited patiently in a hide using infrared equipment to monitor exactly what happened.

"As we scanned the colony using the infrared LED, the team observed the penguins reacting strangely to something on the ground, they nervously pecked and showed clear signs of agitation," he said.

"We then fixed our cameras onto one area and waited. Finally, after several hours the team noticed glimmers of light reflecting from the vampire's eyes as it darted around the penguins' feet."

After a further week of observations, Mr Clare was able to capture the bats' feeding behaviour.

"Due to the fact that the penguins are very alert and vigilant the bats seemed to wait until it was extremely dark with little or no moon and star light," explained Mr Gordon.

"Even then, they could not get to feed easily on the adult penguins who were more aware of them. So the bats had to resort to feeding on the less suspecting juvenile penguins."

Mr Gordon described the team as "ecstatic" when they finally got the shots in the last few weeks of a 165 day shoot at the location.

The documentary follows the lives of a variety of penguin species using some unusual filming techniques, including cameras disguised as boulders and even penguins themselves.

Penguins: Spy in the huddle continues on BBC One on Monday, 25th February at 2100 GMT.

Join BBC Nature on Facebook and Twitter @BBCNature.


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Sunday, February 24, 2013

2013 NFL Combine notebook: Browns CEO Joe Banner says reinforcements needed in defensive front seven - Browns - Ohio

INDIANAPOLIS: Browns CEO Joe Banner wants an aggressive, intimidating defense known for terrorizing opposing quarterbacks with pressure, but he conceded the front seven must be bolstered to create that identity.

?The defensive front [seven] needs some additions to be able to compete with the best in the league,? Banner told local reporters Saturday at the NFL Scouting Combine.

There will be plenty of outside linebacker prospects available in the draft who could boost the pass-rush threat the Browns hope defensive coordinator Ray Horton?s 3-4 multi-front scheme exhibits. Most draft analysts expect the Browns to target a rush linebacker with the sixth overall pick, and Banner?s assertion that the organization is not focused on pursuing a quarterback early in the draft seems to support such theories.

But Oregon defensive end/outside linebacker Dion Jordan and Georgia linebacker Jarvis Jones, two potential targets of the Browns, will enter the draft with questions surrounding their health.

The 6-foot-6?, 248-pound Jordan revealed Saturday at the combine that he?ll undergo shoulder surgery next week to repair a torn labrum he suffered Oct. 27 against Colorado. Jordan said he?ll need to rehabilitate for three to four months.

?I only missed one game last season,? said Jordan, who plans to work out Monday at the combine but won?t bench press. ?I dealt with it, and I feel like it shows my toughness that I finished the season. I stayed true to my team and I made sure as a leader, as a senior of our team, it shows I?m willing to win and do what it takes to compete.?

Jones? ailment was well documented before the combine. In 2009, he was diagnosed with spinal stenosis after suffering a neck injury while playing for Southern California, whose doctors would not clear him to return. He transferred to Georgia the following year and eventually resumed his career.

?I have a slight narrowing in my spine between the C4 and C5 [vertebrae],? Jones said. ? ?But most of the doctors checked me out and feel that I?m fine. I don?t have any contusion or anything like that in it.?

The 6-3, 245-pound Jones said he chose not to work out at the combine because his main focus was to allow NFL medical personnel to evaluate him. He said he had MRIs and underwent testing all day Saturday.

?I saw a lot of doctors today and they weren?t too concerned about what they saw,? said Jones, who added he met with the Browns at the combine. ?They thought I was fine. I don?t know how people, how the coaches feel about taking me, but I think I?m fine. I heard a lot of good news today. So I?m excited.?

Is Jones? medical history a deal breaker in terms of using the No. 6 pick on him?

?We will put a lot of weight in the recommendations from our medical staff on any player, whether it?s a particular serious injury or whether it?s just a history of a lot of small injuries,? Banner said. ?You want to try to get as many players as you can that you can be optimistic are going to be healthy and there every week. Our draft meetings will include our medical staff and they?ll weigh in and give us their evaluation of every player we?re considering, and that will matter. We will put a grade for durability on every player in free agency and the draft, and that will be a factor in what we do.?

Jordan, Jones, Brigham Young?s Ezekiel ?Ziggy? Ansah, Florida State?s Bjoern Werner and Louisiana State?s Barkevious Mingo all said they could play outside linebacker in a 3-4 system. Jones, though, admitted he?s more comfortable in a 4-3. Texas A&M?s Damontre Moore, another top defensive end/outside linebacker prospect, didn?t address the media Saturday.

The bottom line is the Browns could pursue plenty of prospects who would likely be able to help them transition from a 4-3 defense to a 3-4 hybrid scheme.

Banner said the new regime chose to switch defenses because it wasn?t satisfied with the production or style of former defensive coordinator Dick Jauron?s system.

?I think we felt like the defense wasn?t good enough to be very direct about it,? Banner said. ?If you went into some of the more sophisticated breakdowns of the defense this year ? we were ranked 20 or lower in most of those categories.

?We want to be risk-takers. We want to be attacking. We want the other team to be on the defensive. It doesn?t mean it was wrong, but that wasn?t the scheme we were running, so this felt like it fit more the type of players we want to bring in and the mind-set we want to create, the way we want our opponents to perceive us. We want them to be worried about where we?re kind of coming from and what?s going to happen.?

Other draft options

Banner said it?s hard to know whether the Browns will try to trade up or down or stay put at No. 6 until free agency unfolds.

?My history has been more trading down than up or staying,? he said.

The Browns don?t have a second-round pick this year because former General Manager Tom Heckert used it this past summer to select wide receiver Josh Gordon in the supplemental draft. Banner said having only six picks makes him reluctant to trade any selections.

He?s also hesitant to call Gordon a good pick at this point.

?It?s to be determined,? Banner said. ?I think Josh has to keep working hard and improving. I?d be surprised if Josh didn?t say there were things he was doing well and things he could be doing better. A top-of-the-second-round pick on a wide receiver you would hope by the second or third year you?d have big, big impact player. I think he still has improvements you could make and there?s hope that he can do that. He?s still got to grow and work hard in order to answer that question.?

Alabama cornerback Dee Milliner is the top-rated cornerback in the draft, and the Browns are in the market for a starting corner.

But when Banner was asked whether corner was the team?s top need, he said: ?We?re not going rush and make a mistake because we have a need and leave ourselves in a position where we have to solve the same problem twice. We do have an order of what we?d like to solve if the world falls the way we want it to. But if it doesn?t, we?re not going to force it just so that we?re not going into this season with some glaring hole when its really going to hurt us with where we want to be two, three years from now.?

NFL Network analyst Mike Mayock believes Alabama guard Chance Warmack is the best player in the draft and too good to pass despite his position.

When asked if No. 6 is too high to take a guard, Banner said: ?I mean if you knew he was John Hannah I guess maybe not, but it wouldn?t fit. I wouldn?t rule anything out, but it wouldn?t philosophically fit with how we?re approaching the priorities and how we?re building the team.?

Roster talk

Banner said the Browns know whether they?ll try to re-sign some of their own free agents, including kicker Phil Dawson and returner Josh Cribbs, but he won?t reveal their plans.

?Let?s say we?re trying to sign them and I told you we want to bring them back ? that certainly wouldn?t be a very smart thing from a negotiating perspective,? Banner said. ?If we weren?t, we don?t need to tell the other teams who?s going to be free or not free any earlier than necessary.?

Banner said the Browns won?t use a franchise tag to keep any of their players off the open market. He expects to be active in free agency partly because the organization inherited ample salary-cap room.

?I view this as a good year to be in the free-agent market and to be able to get fair market value,? Banner said.

Banner said he doesn?t think the new regime needs to gut the roster. He doesn?t foresee any other starters from last season being cut like defensive end Frostee Rucker was three weeks ago.

He also doesn?t expect to trade anyone.

?I would not expect at this point and time that we?re going to be receptive to trading our players,? Banner said. ?We?re looking to build on the players we have and take this thing to a higher level over some period of time.?

Nate Ulrich can be reached at Read the Browns blog at Follow him on Twitter at and on Facebook


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Palm oil casualty? 14 pygmy elephants fall prey to pesticides in Borneo

Malaysian wildlife officials say 14 dead pygmy elephants were found last month in Borneo, apparently poisoned by chemicals used by farmers on the country's massive palm-oil plantations.

By Jason Motlagh,?Correspondent / February 11, 2013

A Borneo pygmy elephant looks for food along the Kinabatangan river in Malaysia's state of Sabah on the Borneo island in this file photo.

Bazuki Muhammad/REUTERS/File


A rare breed of elephant appears to be the latest casualty of the palm oil boom that is sweeping Malaysian Borneo, reigniting an already heated debate over the pros and cons of the world?s cheapest cooking oil.?

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Malaysian wildlife officials say 14 dead pygmy elephants were found last month in the wilds of Sabah Province, apparently poisoned by chemicals used by farmers to keep pests from eating the palm fruit grown on plantations that blanket vast swaths of the countryside.

In once instance, a 3-month old baby elephant was photographed nuzzling its mother, who lay on the ground next to three other corpses. For activists, the image is emblematic of nature?s losing battle with man in and around the farms.

Favored in developing countries for its versatility and long shelf life, palm oil is now found in more than half of processed foods in Western supermarkets, from cosmetics to Girl Scout cookies. Surging global demand has generated billions in profits for Indonesia and Malaysia, the world?s first- and second-largest producers, bringing prosperity to once poor corners.

The boom is changing the complexion of Borneo, the resource-rich island they share that is one home to one of the oldest rainforests on earth. But environmental groups say the palm oil boom is driving the expansion of plantations deeper into hyper-diverse tracts of forest, accelerating global warming and forcing rare species like the?pygmy elephant and orangutan into deadly confrontations with humans.

In a statement following the elephant report, Dionysius S.K. Sharma, executive director of World Wildlife Fund-Malaysia, said the ?central forest landscape in Sabah needs to be protected totally from conversions? and called for "frequent and large-scale patrolling" of forests to protect elephants. Yet he conceded this would be a "massive task" given the remoteness of the terrain and large areas involved.?

The scale of the plantations is massive. Take a flight from Kota Kinabalu, the provincial capital, to Lahad Datu, also known as ?Palm City,? and permaculture reigns: Palm plantations sprawl for miles on end, occasionally pocked with the smokestacks of large processing facilities. The largest are owned by agribusiness giants like Sime Darby and Wilmar International, with clients that include top consumer goods companies Unilever and Nestle.

Business booming

Thanks in part to new US laws mandating the removal of oils rich in trans-fats, business has never been better.

In 2011, the export of palm oil and palm-based products netted the Malaysian economy $27 billion, a fivefold increase over the past decade. With such profits at hand, the Malaysian government wants to double the area under cultivation by 2020.

This is welcome news to longtime residents of Lahad Datu, the coastal?town that has been transformed in years from a crime-ridden backwater to an investment-friendly hub. Real estate prices are soaring, investors are pouring in and the streets are safer than ever, replete with fast-food franchises and shiny hotels. ??This place is opening up, finally,? says Arnan Angkut, at a bustling seaside teashop. ?We are doing much better than before because of palm oil.?

But this kind of enthusiasm could spell long-term trouble for communities in the region and beyond.

A joint study published in October by Stanford and Yale universities revealed that land-clearing operations for plantations in Borneo have emitted more than 140 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions in 2010 alone, equal to annual emissions from about 28 million vehicles. Over the past two decades, about 6,200 sq. mi. of primary and logged forested land have been destroyed in Borneo.

Orangutan populations reduced by half

Activists say that palm oil deforestation and hunting have already combined to reduce Bornean orangutan populations to half the total of the 1980s. At this rate, some predict the iconic animal could be extinct within years.

For its part, the pygmy elephant, a rare sub-species of the African elephant, is in even greater peril: WWF-Malaysia estimates there are about 1,200 left in the wild. And Malaysian wildlife authorities have said they expect to find more dead elephants as they comb the jungle.

*Jason Motlagh reported this story on a grant from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.


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Wiz Khalifa and fianc?e Amber Rose welcomed baby boy Sebastian "The Bash" Taylor Thomaz on Thursday, and now, Amber has shared a photo of the couple's little bundle of joy.Early Friday morning, the model mom Tweeted, "Best daddy ever.... Up with the baby so Muva can go back to sleep :-)," along with a photo of her rapper beau holding a swaddled Sebastian.


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Facebook Bugs Have Been Messing With Your Page Reach

In yet another Bad News Friday post, Facebook has informed us that it hasn't exactly been counting the audience for our posts quite?correctly. In fact, the social network has been significantly understating the "reach" of Facebook posts ? especially paid posts ? for at least the past several months.

In a blog post yesterday on Facebook Studio, the social network's marketing hub, the company admitted that coding errors have been misrepresented the audience reached by Facebook posts?since sometime last year (though it hasn't yet been much more specific than that). Facebook stresses that these bugs have only impacted reporting and not delivery, meaning fans were still receiving the posts, even if Facebook wasn't counting them properly. The company said the stats should update once Facebook cleans up its code.?

This admission could be a big deal for Facebook, which has taken some serious heat from Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban and other big brands for allegedly throttling their access to their Facebook fans. Last November, Cuban complained, both on Twitter and in heated articles on sites like The Huffington Post,?that Facebook was restricting brands' ability to engage their fans in order to juice sales of paid "promoted posts."

Less Bang For The Buck

The bugs Facebook is describing, however, could also conceivably have led brand and business?owners?like Cuban to believe they were getting less bang for their Facebook marketing buck. In its post yesterday,?Facebook claimed that the bugs held down the reported audience for paid newsfeed posts, meaning that such promotional posts actually reached a larger number of users than the social network's statistics previously suggested.

"As soon as we found the bugs our engineering team began work to resolve them as quickly as possible. We're rolling out fixes beginning this morning and over the weekend," Facebook's post states. That's certainly reassuring for anyone who relies on Facebook for social marketing, but the underreporting to date is still a pretty big deal. It's an even bigger deal where paid reach is concerned, since that involves placing ads placed in users' news feeds???ads that then reported back inaccurate numbers.?

Here's what will change as a result of the ongoing bug fixes, according to Facebook:

  • Total reach to stay the same or increase for most Pages
  • An increase in paid reach if you ran News Feed ads
  • An increase or decrease in organic reach, depending on many factors such as the composition of your fan base, when and how often you post and your spending patterns
  • A change in metrics computed from reach and impressions, such as engagement rate and virality
  • We know that accurate data is fundamental to building and improving your Facebook presence. We are taking this very seriously. ?We have already put a number of additional quality and verification measures in place to prevent future bugs and resolve them quickly if they arise

Where It All Began

Facebook says the problems originated during an update to its iOS and Android apps, TechCrunch reported. While trying to speed up mobile performance of its site, Facebook ended up stripping away a little too much of the data reported back to its servers. This resulted in a couple of bugs that failed to count page posts as users upgraded to new versions of the apps, and then a lesser bug that counted the viewing of a desktop news feed ad twice, as both an organic and then a paid impression.

It wasn't until a number of complaints from clients that Facebook decided to perform an internal audit, which uncovered the bugs and forced the company to begin an intense three-week fix.?

While you can certainly argue that the bugs didn't cause that much damage???after all, many pages will soon show improved reach as a result of the fixes ??the problem certainly does some damage to Facebook's reputation as a secure and accurate social hub for business.?

But if you're a brand manager who's been feeling a little down in the dumps over your failure to engage readers with paid posts, you can take heart in?Facebook's two-minute video reiterating its solutions. With alarmingly low depth-of-field, a woman with a very calming voice explains everything you need to know about this not-a-real-problem to soothing?piano music. Surely your average social media manager shouldn't require much more than that to fend off frustration.?


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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Video: Banksy art mystery from London to Miami

Cardinal Mahony urged to stay away

Cardinal Roger Mahony, one of the 11 American cardinals who will join 105 others to choose a new pope, is being urged to stay away because of his role in shielding sexually abusive priests. CBS News' Magalie Laguerre Wilkinson.


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Four Generations Plan to Shave Hair for Cancer Fundraiser


One family is going bald to raise money for childhood cancer research, during the upcoming St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival in Henderson.

Four generations of the Linehan-Yant-Temme family will be cutting their hair for the St. Baldrick's Foundation fundraiser, which is set for 5 p.m. Saturday, March 16.

The family is being led by 62-year-old Pat Linehan, who is a member of the Southern Nevada Sons of Erin organization. His son 36-year-old Chris Linehan, 5-year-old grandson Casey Yant and his 86-year-old father-in-law Richard Temme will all shave their heads during the event.

This is the third year in a row that St. Baldrick's has held its head-shaving event during the St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival.

The Linehan-Yant-Temme team is looking for more donors. The Southern Nevada Sons of Erin is looking for people to help out either by shaving their heads or by sponsoring someone getting their head shaved.

For more information on the parade and festival, go to To donate to the Sons of Erin cause, go to


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Friday, February 22, 2013

Samsung details 'TV Discovery' service to be unveiled at MWC


Android Central at Mobile World Congress

Samsung is setting up to launch a new service at MWC called "TV Discovery", which is supposed to help users find video and live TV content with their devices. Similarly to what HTC just announced with its own TV offerings on the One, Samsung will use its service to aggregate content from multiple sources to be streamed to your devices. The goal is to bring live TV, video on-demand and online content to one place, and make it all searchable without caring which service the programming is on. The content will be available on Samsung's Smart TV's and "supported mobile devices", but no specifics were given. Similarly to what Samsung is already doing with its Peel partnership, devices will be able to be used as a universal remote control as well.

Samsung says that at the launch, the TV Discovery service will aggregate from Netflix and Blockbuster in the U.S. and Acetrax, Wuaki, MovieMax, FilmIn, Chili, Pathé and SF Anytime in Europe. Youtube is also mentioned as a potential video source. We should have a better idea of how the service will work and across which devices at its unveiling at MWC next week.

Source: Samsung Tomorrow


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A Daily Dose of Davis: Health & Fitness Friday: The Dreadmill

Yay! The one blog post I look forward to all week :-)

I am happy to say I've got another good week in the books guys! Even with a date night AND a triple birthday celebration, I still managed to lose another pound for my DietBet. Woot woot! I've got 2.1 more pounds to lose in like 10 days. It's going to be TOUGH, but I know I can do it if I get super strict this week.?

So let's talk about HEALTH.

The sad thing is...I don't even feel like I need to lose these last two pounds. If I was not committed to DietBet, I would probably stop right now and consider it a goal met. The whole purpose of signing up for this bet was to motivate me to:

1. Loosen up my jeans (they were holiday-snug)

2. Get back into a routine of exercising 5-6 days a week.

3. Start making better choices with food again and WATCH PORTIONS.

So now that I am almost 3 full weeks into this, I have accomplished these three things. My jeans are fitting the way I want them to, I've been logging some great exercise time and I have clearly learned to watch portions since I turned down an extra baked taco last night (even though I still felt hungry and they were soooooooo delicious!) I even brought veggies with a side of veggies to our triple b-day party this weekend!

But a bet is a bet and damn it...I am NOT giving up my money that easily. And to be honest, it wouldn't hurt to lose these last two pounds as a buffer. Hahaha! So that's where I'm at! I've been considering doing a cleanse of some sort to help with these last 2 pounds and do a little detoxifying, but what I realized after reading these plans is that there is NO WAY I can drink only juice and smoothies for 3 days.?

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Even though I have been losing weight, I have by no means cut out enough sugar and carbs. But, if I REALLY cut down on those this week (and toss the leftover Valentine's Day candy), I think I can get to where I need to be. This means I will have to skip the birthday cake this weekend and the days where I am having carbs for dinner (pizza and pasta) I will just have to majorly load up on veggies and other protein during the day. Damn diets!

So here is our menu for the week (starting tonight):

Friday: Homemade Pizzas with TONS of veggies.

Saturday: Birthday Party!?

Sunday: Pulled pork...but I'm going to skip the bun if I can resist.

Thursday: Leftovers

A big thanks to my girl Nina for having such an awesome blog full of amazing recipes and inspiration!

Now...let's get to FITNESS, shall we?

As I said last week, I've jumped on the Ripped in 30 bandwagon and as much as Jillian annoys me at times with her weird growling and ass-biting...I am digging this DVD a lot!! I am almost done with Week 2 and I am definitely feeling stronger! I still have to modify some of the moves (I royally suck at push-ups) but overall I am keeping up and sweating like a piggie!!

As far as running goes, I did manage to make it through my 4-mile Dreadmill run!! Clearly my calories were a bit off though. Damn it!

But I have to give a big THANK YOU to my fitness buddy Hannah for sharing a link to a great blog post titled "Treadmill Running Without Losing Your Mind". The tips really helped this week and I am hoping they continue to help because it looks like I will be indoors again this weekend. BOO!!

?In addition to exercising my body this week, I also exercised my mind at a great writing workshop on campus. Being a teacher is just my teeny tiny extra part-time job to help me keep my sanity and stay fresh in the classroom. But when I get to go to workshops and spend time with my colleagues, it always reminds me why I chose this career in the first place and why teaching English is the best job ever. I know it sounds silly...but it felt like a mental health day for me. And I needed it :-)

So was YOUR week?


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Maybe it's a little too particular to complain about your gadgets not getting the exact kind of charge they're supposed to get. Oh well. The Kopi KBAR power strip fixes that issue with with a switch that lets you change the wattage when your phone's juicing up. More »


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

SOUTH AFRICA: Pistorius investigator replaced by S. Africa?s top detective

South Africa?s police chief appointed its top detective as the new lead investigator in the Oscar Pistorius murder case on Thursday.

The decision came after it emerged that the initial investigator, Hilton Botha, was facing attempted murder charges.

National Commissioner Riah Phiyega said Lt. Gen. Vinesh Moonoo would take over the investigation, saying the Pistorius case would ?receive attention at the national level? and that Moonoo would ?gather a team of highly skilled and experience detectives.?

Botha?s future in charge of the investigation into world-famous athlete Pistorius came into doubt after charges of attempted murder were reinstated against him in relation to a 2011 shooting incident, when he and two other police officers allegedly fired shots at a minibus.

Police blunders

On Wednesday, the prosecution case against Pistorius began to unravel with revelations of a series of police blunders and Botha?s admission that authorities had no evidence to challenge the double-amputee Olympic athlete?s claim he killed his girlfriend accidentally.

Pistorius faces a charge of premeditated murder, but says he shot girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp accidentally with a licensed firearm after thinking she was an intruder in his house.

In his often confused testimony, Botha, who was described as a 24-year police veteran with 16 years service as a detective, conceded that police had left a 9 mm slug from the barrage that killed Steenkamp inside a toilet at the scene.

Police also lost track of illegal ammunition found inside the house, Botha said, and the detective himself walked through the crime scene without wearing protective shoe covers, potentially contaminating the area.

Botha also claimed in court that police found boxes of testosterone and needles in multiple Paralympic champion Pistorius? bedroom following the Valentine?s Day shooting last week, but then said later he wasn?t sure what the exact name of the substance was.

The prosecution conceded laboratory tests on the substance weren?t yet completed and so it was unclear what it was.

Girlfriend shot ?by mistake?

Pistorius? defence lawyer Barry Roux asserted that authorities were taking ?every piece of evidence to try to extract the most possibly negative connotation and present it to the court.?

The case, which is still only in a bail hearing, has riveted much of the world with its dramatic developments as Pistorius, the man known as the Blade Runner for his famous carbon-fibre running prostheses, says he shot and killed model Steenkamp by mistake.

Pistorius fired four shots through the locked door of a toilet enclosed inside his bathroom because he thought there was an intruder in there, he says.

Prosecutors say he intended to kill the 29-year-old Steenkamp after a fight in the early hours of the morning.

(France 24 with wires)



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Saturday, February 16, 2013

UPDATE: Florida will not enforce Canadian drivers license law

The Toronto Star

Published: Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 2:42 p.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, February 14, 2013 at 2:42 p.m.

DEVELOPING: The Florida Highway Patrol will not be enforcing the state law requiring Canadian drivers to carry an international driving permit along with their drivers licence.

For now, only a valid driver?s licence will be required, according a press release from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Thursday afternoon.

?(The) requirement may violate the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (1949), an international treaty to which the United States is a signatory,? said the release.

?Therefore, the Florida Highway Patrol will defer enforcement of violations of the amended statutory section until a final determination of the alignment of the amendment with the treaty can be made.?

CLICK HERE to read the Toronto Star's story today.

Florida will not enforce Canadian drivers license lawThe Toronto StarHeraldTribune.comFebruary 14, 2013 2:42 PM

<p>DEVELOPING: The Florida Highway Patrol will not be enforcing the state law requiring Canadian drivers to carry an international driving permit along with their drivers licence.</p><p>For now, only a valid driver's licence will be required, according a press release from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Thursday afternoon.</p><p>?(The) requirement may violate the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (1949), an international treaty to which the United States is a signatory,? said the release.</p><p>?Therefore, the Florida Highway Patrol will defer enforcement of violations of the amended statutory section until a final determination of the alignment of the amendment with the treaty can be made.?</p><p><a href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE to read the Toronto Star's story today.</a></p>

Copyright 2013 - All rights reserved. Restricted use only.


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Friday, February 15, 2013

New Chinese restaurant opens in Menlo Park

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By Jane Knoerle
Almanac Lifestyles Editor

After seeing two favorites close last year, Menlo Park has a new Chinese restaurant. The Fey restaurant opened in January at 1368 El Camino Real, the former site of Ten Fu.

Colorful flower-filled window boxes only hint at the transformation inside the new eatery. The interior is clean, contemporary and elegant. A crystal chandelier in the entry and sparkling lights over the dining booths brighten the black, white and gray color palette. A school of silver metal fish accent one wall. Tableware is white with pink napkins, adding a spot of color.

Diners will find their favorites on the extensive menu, along with many spicy Sichuan selections. Lunch, featuring soup, rice and entree (cashew chicken, prawns with vegetables), is $7.95 every day. Dishes from the "Traditional Private Kitchen" are more exotic and include "spicy tripe with rice Jello" and "hot and spicy frog."

The restaurant also features individual Chinese hot pots to cook tableside. Diners may choose a la carte ingredients or go with selected meats and vegetables for $15.95.

Fey Enterprise LLC of San Mateo, which includes "many partners," owns Fey, which is an acronym for its Chinese name, Fu En Yuan. The owners have been in the restaurant business for 20 years, having previous Sichuan restaurants in San Francisco, San Mateo and Millbrae.

With its elegant dining area and VIP room for banquets, Fey should be a popular destination for locals missing Su Hong and Ten Fu.

Fey Restaurant, located at 1368 El Camino Real in Menlo Park, is open daily. Call 324-8888.

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Epic to pull song with offending Lil Wayne lyric

FILE - In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo, recording artist Lil Wayne speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in New Orleans. Epic Records is going to "great efforts" to take down a new Future remix leaked over the weekend with a vulgar lyric by Lil Wayne that has offended the family of Emmett Till. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

FILE - In this Sept. 26, 2012 file photo, recording artist Lil Wayne speaks during an interview with The Associated Press in New Orleans. Epic Records is going to "great efforts" to take down a new Future remix leaked over the weekend with a vulgar lyric by Lil Wayne that has offended the family of Emmett Till. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, File)

FILE - This undated file photo shows Emmett Till, a black 14-year-old Chicago boy, who was brutally murdered near Money, Mississippi, Aug. 31, 1955, after whistling at a white woman. Epic Records is going to "great efforts" to take down a new Future remix leaked over the weekend with a vulgar lyric by Lil Wayne that has offended the family of Emmett Till. (AP Photo/File)

(AP) ? Epic Records is going to "great efforts" to take down a new Future remix leaked over the weekend with a vulgar Lil Wayne lyric that has offended the family of Emmett Till.

The New Orleans rapper made a sexual reference to the beating death of Till, a 14-year-old Chicago boy tortured and shot in Mississippi in 1955 for whistling at a white woman. Till's family objected and the Rev. Jesse Jackson reached out to his management, The Blueprint Group, on the family's behalf.

The label issued a statement Wednesday night apologizing for the release of the song.

"We regret the unauthorized remix version of Future's 'Karate Chop,' which was leaked online and contained hurtful lyrics," the statement said. "Out of respect for the legacy of Emmett Till and his family and the support of the Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. ... we are going through great efforts to take down the unauthorized version."

Epic will release an official version of the song that "will not include such references."

Neither Jackson nor members of Till's family could be reached late Wednesday. A publicist says Lil Wayne has had no comment so far.

He appears briefly on the song, alluding to the black teenager's beating in a way too vulgar to print.

Till, a native of Chicago, was in Mississippi visiting family in 1955 when he was killed. He was beaten, had his eyes gouged out and was shot in the head before his assailants tied a cotton gin fan to his body with barbed wire and tossed his body into the Tallahatchie River. Two white men, including the woman's husband, were acquitted of the killing by an all-white jury.

Till's body was recovered and returned to Chicago where his mother, Mamie Till, insisted on having an open casket at his funeral. The pictures of his battered body helped push civil rights into the cultural conversation in the U.S.

Bob Dylan wrote a song about it: "The Death of Emmett Till."

A Facebook posting on the Mamie Till Mobley Memorial Foundation page Wednesday night said Epic Records Chairman and CEO LA Reid had reached out to the family to personally apologize.


Follow AP Music Writer Chris Talbott:

Associated Press


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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Sports Illustrated explain that ?Perfection? is why they chose Kate Upton again

February 12th, 2013 ?|? Published in CMB Main, Gossip, Recent Posts

Kate Upton?s Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover is very hot ? but during her photo shoot in Antarctica, all the model could think about was the freezing cold.

?It was definitely the hardest shoot I?ve ever done,? Upton, 20, tells PEOPLE. ?The best as well ? Antarctica is one of the most beautiful place I?ve ever been to. But I?m from Florida, so it was pretty painful.?

The pain paid off, however: the perfect shot earned Upton her second consecutive SI cover, a distinction not seen since Tyra Banks covered back-to-back issues in 1996 and 1997.

?Everything about the picture is perfect,? Swimsuit Issue editor MJ Day tells PEOPLE. ?The light, the background, the suit. It?s different from what we?ve done in past years, and it was an exciting moment for us to have those photos work out.?

Exciting, because Day and her crew didn?t know if they?d get any usable photos out of their Antarctica shoot ? the first-ever fashion shoot on the continent.

?It was difficult,? Day admits. ?First of all, it?s cold, even though we were there in summer. The windchill was sub-zero ? the elements are really working against you.? As the crew dealt with a whole host issues ? batteries dying in the cold, crazy weather rolling in and out ? Upton was a total pro, Day says. ?She never complained. She?d just say, ?Okay, let?s go do it again.?? Read More By Clicking Here

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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

US plan aimed at keeping China out of US networks

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The White House cybersecurity executive order, to be unveiled Wednesday by President Barack Obama's top security officials, will be the most comprehensive plan yet for confronting electronic attacks on America's computer networks, or at least a good-faith effort amid an alarming tide in industrial espionage in the past year that experts blame mostly on China.

The strategy is expected to urge businesses to enforce tougher standards to protect online commerce and direct U.S. intelligence agencies to share even classified threat data with companies considered vital to the U.S. economy, such as transportation and banking.

While symbolic, the plan leaves practical questions unanswered: Should a business be required to tell the government if it's been hacked and U.S. interests are at stake? Can you sue your bank or water treatment facility if those companies don't take reasonable steps to protect you? And if a private company's systems are breached, should the government swoop in to stop the attacks ? and pick up the tab?

The process has exposed how difficult and complex the issue is, turning the long-awaited executive order into a bureaucratic scramble aimed at showing countries like China and Iran that the U.S. takes seriously the protection of consumer secrets. It's been an intensive effort by White House staff and industry lobbyists wary of government intervention but fearful about their bottom line.

"I think in general it means (the U.S.) will advance the case of cybersecurity, and that's important," said Paul Smocer, the head of the technology policy division at The Financial Services Roundtable, a powerful lobbying group that represents the nation's biggest banks. "How much teeth versus how much gum there is, we'll see."

The cyberthreat to the U.S. has been heavily debated since the 1990s, when much of American commerce shifted online and critical systems began to rely increasingly on networked computers. Security experts began to warn of looming disaster, including threats that terrorists could cut off a city's water supply or shut down electricity. But what's emerged in recent years, according to cyber experts, is the constant pilfering of America's intellectual property by U.S. competitors.

"We have, as the U.S. government, set up lawn chairs, told the burglars where the silver is in the bottom drawer, and opened up the case of beer and watched them do it," Rep. Mike Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee, told CBS' "Face the Nation" this week.

The U.S. has been preparing a new intelligence estimate that details cyber espionage as a growing economic problem. One official told the Associated Press last week that the estimate was expected to cite more directly a role by the Chinese government and favor aggressive action against the Chinese government. The official was not authorized to discuss the classified report and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

Richard Clarke, a former White House cybersecurity adviser during the Clinton administration, said that executive orders and intelligence estimates aside, the U.S. in 15 years of debate on the subject still hasn't answered the very practical questions of who exactly is in charge of stopping a cyberattack on commercial networks and at what point the government should deploy its own resources.


Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor contributed to this report.


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Nexus Devices Getting Android 4.2.2, Google Now Widget

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(click image for larger view and for slideshow) Owners of Nexus-branded Android devices can expect a system update to hit their tablet or smartphone in the near future. Owners of the Nexus 10 and Nexus 7 tablets, as well as the GSM variant of the Galaxy Nexus are already reporting that Android 4.2.2 is being made available as an over-the-air update.

Google has not officially released any details about Android 4.2.2, but screenshots from users show the update to include performance enhancements and bug fixes befitting of its x.x.1 version jump.

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There's no word on if or when Android 4.2.2 will reach the Nexus 4 smartphone, but it is expected to arrive after the Nexus 10 and Nexus 7 receive their updates. All Google's Nexus-branded devices, which are the first to receive system updates, have been on version 4.2.1 since late 2012.

[ Who is using Android smartphones? Read Windows Phone Exec Tweets From Android Smartphone. ]

The Nexus 10 is a tablet with a 10-inch display made by Samsung; the Nexus 7 is a tablet with a seven-inch display made by Asus, and the Nexus 4 is smartphone with a 4.7-inch display made by LG. All three can be purchased directly from Google via the Google Play Store. The N10 and N7 both ship in several days. The N4, however, won't ship for two to three weeks, according to Google.

Beyond the system update, Google is preparing another treat for Nexus devices: a bona fide Google Now widget.

Google Now is the personal assistant feature of Android 4.1 and 4.2 Jelly Bean. Once configured, it can be used to instantly check the commute home, current weather, handle boarding passes, deliver sports scores, and more. It is part of the Google Search app, though, and does not have a widget of its own.

According to support documentation on Google's website (now removed), a Google Now widget is in the works and may be available soon. The screenshot of the widget shows a tool broken up into three separate areas, one for the commute, one for the weather and another for stock prices. Presumably, these can be customized by end users.

What's not clear is how or when this widget will become available. It could be included in a system-level update or made available separately in the Google Play Store. Given Google's move to offer core app updates in the Play Store rather than though system-level updates, that's the avenue through which the Google Now widget will most likely appear.

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Celebrity Real Estate - Curbed National

Monday, February 11, 2013, by Amy Schellenbaum

tom-cruise-sells-2013.jpgWord is that Tom Cruise has quietly sold his long-time condo in NYC's East Village for $3M. Cruise, who bought the place in 1984 after hitting it big with Risky Business, unloaded the condo without a listing or brokers, ergo no floorplan or photos, sadly. The actor still (presumably) owns a 8,100-square-foot brownstone in the city, and has been spotted scoping out real estate in upstate New York and Connecticut. [The Real Deal via Curbed NY; previously]


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First Coast HS mourns the death of assistant football coach

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Mark Tillman, a long-time assistant football coach at First Coast High School passed away on January 31st.? He had just celebrated his 52nd birthday on January 23rd, but years of liver problems finally caught up to him.

Before his time at First Coast High School where he made an impact on thousands of lives, Tillman spent eight years in the Marines.

On Sunday, February 10th, the Buccaneers community gathered on the FCHS football field for a candle light service to remember the man who cared so deeply about the young men and women who passed through the hallways of this North Jacksonville school.


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