Friday, February 22, 2013

A Daily Dose of Davis: Health & Fitness Friday: The Dreadmill

Yay! The one blog post I look forward to all week :-)

I am happy to say I've got another good week in the books guys! Even with a date night AND a triple birthday celebration, I still managed to lose another pound for my DietBet. Woot woot! I've got 2.1 more pounds to lose in like 10 days. It's going to be TOUGH, but I know I can do it if I get super strict this week.?

So let's talk about HEALTH.

The sad thing is...I don't even feel like I need to lose these last two pounds. If I was not committed to DietBet, I would probably stop right now and consider it a goal met. The whole purpose of signing up for this bet was to motivate me to:

1. Loosen up my jeans (they were holiday-snug)

2. Get back into a routine of exercising 5-6 days a week.

3. Start making better choices with food again and WATCH PORTIONS.

So now that I am almost 3 full weeks into this, I have accomplished these three things. My jeans are fitting the way I want them to, I've been logging some great exercise time and I have clearly learned to watch portions since I turned down an extra baked taco last night (even though I still felt hungry and they were soooooooo delicious!) I even brought veggies with a side of veggies to our triple b-day party this weekend!

But a bet is a bet and damn it...I am NOT giving up my money that easily. And to be honest, it wouldn't hurt to lose these last two pounds as a buffer. Hahaha! So that's where I'm at! I've been considering doing a cleanse of some sort to help with these last 2 pounds and do a little detoxifying, but what I realized after reading these plans is that there is NO WAY I can drink only juice and smoothies for 3 days.?

Not. Gonna. Happen.

Even though I have been losing weight, I have by no means cut out enough sugar and carbs. But, if I REALLY cut down on those this week (and toss the leftover Valentine's Day candy), I think I can get to where I need to be. This means I will have to skip the birthday cake this weekend and the days where I am having carbs for dinner (pizza and pasta) I will just have to majorly load up on veggies and other protein during the day. Damn diets!

So here is our menu for the week (starting tonight):

Friday: Homemade Pizzas with TONS of veggies.

Saturday: Birthday Party!?

Sunday: Pulled pork...but I'm going to skip the bun if I can resist.

Thursday: Leftovers

A big thanks to my girl Nina for having such an awesome blog full of amazing recipes and inspiration!

Now...let's get to FITNESS, shall we?

As I said last week, I've jumped on the Ripped in 30 bandwagon and as much as Jillian annoys me at times with her weird growling and ass-biting...I am digging this DVD a lot!! I am almost done with Week 2 and I am definitely feeling stronger! I still have to modify some of the moves (I royally suck at push-ups) but overall I am keeping up and sweating like a piggie!!

As far as running goes, I did manage to make it through my 4-mile Dreadmill run!! Clearly my calories were a bit off though. Damn it!

But I have to give a big THANK YOU to my fitness buddy Hannah for sharing a link to a great blog post titled "Treadmill Running Without Losing Your Mind". The tips really helped this week and I am hoping they continue to help because it looks like I will be indoors again this weekend. BOO!!

?In addition to exercising my body this week, I also exercised my mind at a great writing workshop on campus. Being a teacher is just my teeny tiny extra part-time job to help me keep my sanity and stay fresh in the classroom. But when I get to go to workshops and spend time with my colleagues, it always reminds me why I chose this career in the first place and why teaching English is the best job ever. I know it sounds silly...but it felt like a mental health day for me. And I needed it :-)

So was YOUR week?


a thousand words my sisters keeper kirby sarah palin cbi the shins atomic clock

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