Thursday, July 26, 2012

Getting Web Hosting Services that Meet All Your Business Needs ...

Filed Under Category investment business ideas by admin

Web hosting has become a necessary addition to any business owner who wants to experience a high level of internet presence. With the rate of online business competition on the high, there is an increased pressure for online businesses to create a cutting edge over competitors. With several web hosting India companies coming up, it is therefore important to ensure that you get one that offers services that auger well with your business needs in order to reap maximum benefits from the venture. There are several packages offered through web hosting India companies and for this reason, it is important to know what you need before making your purchase.

Linux Web Hosting
This is ranked among one of the hosting packages you can get. It has different features and catered to meet different business needs and for this reason, it is ideal to consider what suits you best. By choosing this plan, some of the features you get to enjoy include unlimited web space and monthly bandwidth. You also get other supported features such as Perl, SSI, PH4 &5, flash, GD, Curl and Cron among others. It is important to note that all these features are unlimited. There are other package details, which will also be incorporated in the Linux web hosting plan such as full support of the website, instant backups, sub domains and RAID1 Disk among others. If you are interested in this plan, it comes in 3 major plans, which include silver plan, which is charged at $ 35.44, Gold plan at $ 71 and Diamond plan at $ 133.22. Note that these are yearly rates.

Windows Hosting
This is another package availed through Web hosting India. It comes with 3 plans, which include the Starter plan, which costs $ 37.67, Basic plan costing $ 73.22 and Professional plan costing $ 133.22 per year. There are several package details included here such as getting sub domains, an uptime of 99.9%, support that is free and RAID1 disk. What is more, there are also supported features in this package such as Ajax, FTP, CGI-Bin, PHP 4/5 and ASP among others. Note that you will also get some email features and control panel features, which are easy to use and designed to make your work easier.

Reseller Hosting
With reseller hosting, you have the opportunity to get packages that are based on your needs. These are categorized in different mannerisms and there are certain features that determine what you are looking for. For instance, it could be based on the web space needed, the MySQL databases, FTP accounts and sub domains among others. It also comes with supported features, email settings and control panel features. To cap it all, there is also e-commerce features incorporated in this.

These are just some of the packages you can get through web hosting India. It is important to note that it gives you an endless array of packages to choose from and this is among the major reasons that it is considered ideal for business owners who are looking for diversity. What is more, it is important to note that web hosting India can also tailor the packages to meet the needs of your business.

About the Author

Allen joy providing the windows hosting,
linux web hosting,
reseller hosting

July 26, 2012 | |



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