Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Romney camp stands by Christie for working with Obama during storm

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (Jeff Zelevansky/Getty Images)

President Barack Obama spent part of the day Wednesday touring sections of New Jersey hit by superstorm Sandy with GOP Gov. Chris Christie, a move officials from Mitt Romney's campaign stood by after grumblings from some Republicans.

"Gov. Christie's doing his job," Romney senior adviser Russ Schriefer told reporters on a conference call when asked how the campaign felt about an official campaign surrogate praising and working with Obama.

"He's the governor of a state that has been hit by a very, very horrific storm. There's tremendous damage, people have lost their lives and he's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing as the governor of New Jersey," Schriefer continued. "The president is doing what he needs to do as president, and this is the case of the governor doing his job. That's it."

In the face of the storm earlier this week, Christie made no apology for responding in tandem with Obama despite their partisan differences. In a rare showing, Christie even praised the president for his response to the storm.

"I don't give a damn about Election Day," Christie, who called the president's response to the storm "outstanding," said Tuesday during an interview on NBC's "Today" show. "It doesn't matter a lick to me at the moment."

After taking an aerial tour of the damage, Obama and Christie went together to a shelter in Brigantine, N.J., where Christie again praised the president's efforts.


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