Friday, September 28, 2012

Free VetFran panel at the West Coast Franchise Expo, October 12th in

Colonel Ford, I have to pass this on because I'm in shock that I was able to Connect (on the first Ring), Chat and concluded my business with "Sharon" in less than 30 seconds, at the MCA-Office. I was taken by surprise. Why, I'm Not used to anyone answering the phone especially on the first ring. AND...a human being...a lovely lady with a disarming voice, which at first I thought was a recording. WOW! I commend THE MCA ?for doing such an outstanding service for its members...make me proud. Just think...I was not asked "if I knew my parties Extension."?
Wish I had a Blog...I would spread around how delighted I am. What transpired to me today is Rare, just doesn't happen anymore. See, I'm so impressed I'm blitzing you here.


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