Sunday, September 16, 2012

Workers minced by Vince: Union fury at new Labour plans to cut staff sacking and compensation rights

Business Secretary Cable wants to bring in ?employment settlements? where axed staff get payouts if they agree not to go to a tribunal

Bosses will be able to sack workers far more easily and give them less compensation under plans announced yesterday by Vince Cable.

The Business Secretary wants to bring in ?employment settlements? where axed staff get payouts if they agree not to go to a tribunal.

He is also looking to cut the ?72,000 maximum compensation for unfair dismissal and could cap it at 12 months? salary.

TUPE regulations, which protect workers? terms and conditions, would also be watered down. The major shake-up has been proposed by venture capitalist Adrian Beecroft in a report commissioned by PM David Cameron. But Mr Cable, who is consulting on the plans, has rejected the idea of letting bosses sack people without giving a reason.

Last night furious unions said the changes would still let bosses ?exploit and bully? staff and drive down pay and conditions. Unison general secretary Dave Prentis called it a ?blatant attack on workers? rights?.

And Labour MP Michael Dugher said the Government was acting like ?19th-century mill owners?. But Mr Cable insisted his plan would encourage small firms to hire more people. ?They?ve got to feel confident they?re not going to get caught up in an elaborate tribunal system,? he said.


Vince: I'll carry on texting Ed Miliband

Labour Party leader Ed Miliband speaks to the media outside his home in north London following the victory of Respect Party's George Galloway in the Bradford West by-election
Texts: Ed Miliband



Vince Cable yesterday enraged Lib Dem MPs by saying he would carry on texting Ed Miliband.

He said: ?I don?t know what the problem is. I do very, very occasionally talk to the leader of the Labour Party about matters of national interest. Surely that?s grown up??

His comments came after Lib Dem grandee Sir Menzies ?Campbell said his ties could damage the Coalition by making Tory MPs wary of the front bench team.


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