Friday, August 31, 2012

AP: Review says Sandusky fits sex predator status

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) ? Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky has been recommended for designation as a sexually violent predator, a legal status that would require lifetime registration with authorities, according to a person who has read an assessment board's report to a judge in the case.

The recommendation from the Sexual Offenders Assessment Board was disclosed to The Associated Press on Thursday by the person, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the report's confidential nature.

Sandusky, 68, was convicted in June of sexually abusing 10 boys over a 15-year period. He is jailed awaiting sentencing and maintains his innocence.

Sandusky, given his age and the serious nature of the crimes of which he was convicted, is likely to receive a sentence that will keep him in prison for life. No sentencing date has been announced.

Pennsylvania law designates certain offenders as sexually violent predators if they are considered to have mental abnormalities or personality disorders that make them likely to engage in predatory sexually violent offenses.

If prosecutors pursue the sexually violent predator status and Sandusky opposes it, Judge John Cleland will decide whether it is merited.

A spokesman for the attorney general's office declined to comment on Thursday, and Sandusky defense attorney Joe Amendola did not return phone and email messages seeking comment.

Sexual Offenders Assessment Board spokesman Leo Dunn said the board does not comment on any case, but he noted it has never failed to complete an assessment within 90 days, as required. The judge ordered Sandusky's evaluation by the board on June 22, shortly after the jury verdict.

Dunn said such evaluations are assigned to an investigator, who then reports his or her findings to a board member. The board member produces an evaluation, which includes a recommendation.

Some sex offenders must register under the Pennsylvania Megan's Law for 10 years, but that requirement is lifelong for sexually violent predators, who must update their residences to the state police on a quarterly basis and prove they are participating in approved counseling.

Also, the chief law enforcement official in the community where a sexually violent predator lives is required to notify the public by producing a flier that bears the offender's name, address, photograph and offense.

Eight young men testified against Sandusky, describing a range of abuse that went from grooming and manipulation to fondling, oral sex and anal rape when they were boys and included acts that occurred inside Penn State team showers.

One young man testified his muffled screams from the basement of the Sandusky home in State College, where Penn State is based, went unanswered as Sandusky attacked him.

"He got real aggressive and just forced me into it," the 18-year-old testified. "And I just went with it ? there was no fighting against it."

Prosecutors said Sandusky used his status as a Penn State football icon and the charity for youth he founded, The Second Mile, to attract victims. He was arrested in November after a grand jury investigation that also led to charges of perjury and failure to report suspected abuse against university administrators Tim Curley and Gary Schultz. Those charges, which the men deny, have not gone to trial.

Hall of Fame football coach Joe Paterno was fired by the university's board of trustees days after Sandusky's arrest, and the scandal also cost university president Graham Spanier his job. Paterno died of lung cancer in January, while Spanier, who has not been charged with any crime, remains a tenured faculty member.


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Political Calculations: Is GM Headed Back to Bankruptcy?

Given recent speculation, Republican vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan's mention of the company in his acceptance speech last evening and the news that General Motors (NYSE: GM) will shut down production for its troubled Chevy Volt vehicle for the second time this year, that question has become immediately relevant today.

To answer the question, we'll be turning once again to our preferred tool for predicting a company's bankruptcy, the Altman Z-Score.

Here, using data published by the company in its financial reports, we'll measure how distressed GM's situation has become.

This is an exercise we've done with GM's data before. Here, when we first introduced our tool for predicting bankruptcy back in March 2006, we found that GM's Altman Z-score was 0.01.

That value indicates a very financially distressed company, where an Altman Z-score for a manufacturing company like GM would have to be above 2.67 to be considered healthy, and between 1.81 and 2.67 to be considered to be at neutral risk for declaring bankruptcy in the future. Any score below 1.81 indicates that a company is in the danger zone for going through bankruptcy proceedings in the future.

While that Altman Z-score of 0.01 indicated a highly distressed company, it was nothing compared to what we found when we revisited GM's deteriorating financial situation in June 2008, when GM's Altman Z-score fell through the floor and reached -1.35, as its future bankruptcy became inevitable.

From here, we'll pick up the story following what happened after President Obama intervened in what would otherwise have been normal bankruptcy proceedings on the behalf of his political interests and orchestrated the bailout and reorganization of GM using U.S. taxpayer dollars to support them.

Tapping Yahoo! Finance's records of GM's Income and Balance Sheet statements from 2009 through 2011, we calculated GM's Altman-Z score for the bailout year of 2009 and the post-bailout years of 2010 and 2011. Here's what we found:

  • In the bailout year of 2009, GM's Altman Z-score jumped to 2.69, with the U.S. government's infusion of more than 100 billion dollars of taxpayer money putting the company immediately into the "healthy" range for manufacturing companies.
  • In the following year, without the ongoing infusion of taxpayer cash to keep the company in the healthy zone, GM's Altman Z-score plummeted to 0.54, back into the danger zone, as the reorganized GM failed to generate the sales to needed to support even its greatly reduced size and liabilities.
  • In 2011, GM's financial situation improved somewhat as its Altman Z-score rose to 0.66, which still places it deep within the danger zone for risk of future bankruptcy.

We next decided to go the extra mile and update GM's Z-Score through its four most recent quarters, which will indicate the company's relative financial health as of 30 June 2012. We've entered the data in our tool below (click here to visit our site if you're reading this post through sites that access our RSS feed):

Running the numbers through 30 June 2012, we find that GM's Altman-Z score is 0.66. The company's financial situation has not improved since the end of 2011 and it remains well in the danger zone for facing future bankruptcy, as the company's post-bailout reorganization appears to have been inadequate to really restore the company to good health.

While that doesn't suggest that the company will be filing for bankruptcy in the immediate days ahead, it does confirm that more reorganization and cost reduction efforts lie ahead for the company in the short term.


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Economics News from the Desk of Elena Panaritis, 30-08-2012 ...

Once more they agree that they disagree

As recession deepens in Greece and time is an enemy for the Greek government, new measures must be taken in order this country to fight its debt crisis effectively. One major problem is the fact that the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and his coalition partners Evangelos Venizelos and Fotis Kouvelis cannot come to a final agreement.

Yesterday?s meeting among these three coalition partners, about the package of austerity measures of 11.5 billon Euros for 2013 and 2014, ended without a final agreement and this fact costs a lot of time, as no action will be taken. But wasting time is not a luxury for the Greek government that is expecting the Troika next week in Athens.

The point is that the basic structure of the measures had been finalized but further talks must take place for issues of less significance, including the proposals for further wage cuts for certain categories of civil servants, such as military and judicial staff and priests. These issues raised the strongest objections of Mr. Venizelos and Mr. Kouvelis.

Evangelos Venizelos mentioned that more cuts and sacrifices will take place, but in a more fair way. He also added that further talks should be made, in order to examine all the details of the austerity package of measures and protect low-income citizens. On the other side, Fotis Kouvelis also mentioned the need for further talks about the proposed austerity measures and added, once more, that he is categorically opposed to horizontal cuts

For the financial markets, the European Central Bank seems to be the only weapon they have in their fight against the severe debt crisis they face and expect a large-scale bond buying program at the ECB?s policy meeting on September. As a result the bond market is quite unlikely to lead Italy and Spain to breaking point in case the policy makers might need more time to implement their plan.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her satisfaction for Draghi?s plan but Bundesbank seems to be opposed to this plan. Finally, European Central Bank?s President mentioned that there is the need for exceptional measures at times, in order the ECB to be in place to fulfill its mandate of delivering stable prices.


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10 years Bond (current)

Greece 23.75
Cyprus 7.00
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Germany 1.37
Italy 5.78
United States of America 1.65
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Canada 1.80
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Prepared and Edited by Thanos Koulopoulos


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Why Los Angeles is Emerging as the Next Silicon Valley at Venture ...

PRLog (Press Release) - Aug 29, 2012 -
Nate Redmond, managing partner of Rustic Canyon Partners, writes in Forbes that for the past three decades, Silicon Valley has had a lock on the creation of dominant technology companies, from silicon to search to social. Ask the same group to name the next Silicon Valley and you are likely to hear a variety of answers. Some will offer up New York. Others stick with Boston and New England. But if we project forward based on trends in the data and structural advantages, it is Los Angeles that is emerging as the next Silicon Valley. What answer you will get at Venture Capital Happy Hour, on Tuesday September 4, 6:00pm?

For the better part of the last two decades, Southern California and New England have traded roles as runner up to Silicon Valley. In 1995, before the Internet bubble was in full swing, Southern California attracted $1.3 billion of venture capital investment, second only to Silicon Valley with $1.8 billion. New England was a distant third with $0.8 billion. In this era, Southern California was a clear number 2. By 1999, the promise of the Internet attracted a new crop of entrepreneurs to Silicon Valley and investment in the region skyrocketed nearly 10-fold. During the same period, New England grew quickly and edged out Southern California as the next most attractive area for venture capitalists to invest and for the following five years, New England laid undisputed claim to the runner up title.

The baton is once again changing hands. Over the last five years Southern California closed the gap with New England and in 2012, entrepreneurs in Southern California once again attracted more investment than any other region outside of Silicon Valley. More than New England and nearly twice as much as New York. We shouldn?t be surprised that the LA-led Southern California region is once again emerging as the next Silicon Valley.

Some wrote off Silicon Alley with the bursting of the bubble as investment into the region
collapsed in the years that immediately followed. But New York has enjoyed a resurgence of activity over the past five years and the migration of VCs from Boston to New York indicates where they see the relative opportunities. The press has written extensively on this shift and if total mentions was the primary indicator of success, New York would be the clear odds-on-favorite to become the next Silicon Valley. But many whisper about the continuing challenges of finding enough great technical talent and competing with the cash compensation offered by the banks (underlining the defining culture).

Venture Capital Happy Hour, featured in The New York Times, is produced by Golden Networking, the premier networking community for business executives, entrepreneurs and investors. Panelists, speakers and sponsors are invited to contact Golden Networking by sending an email to info at goldennetworking dot net


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Tombstones a 'luxury' in war-torn Syria

Joseph Eid / AFP - Getty Images

A tombstone sculptor works at his workshop in Damascus, Syria on August 28, 2012. In the Sahnaya district of Old Damascus, even tombstones are not easily available for a conflict which the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says has killed more than 25,000 people over the past 17 months.

Joseph Eid / AFP - Getty Images

In the Sahnaya district of Old Damascus, even tombstones are hard to come by, Agence France Presse reports.

"People are just looking for a hole in a cemetery," says Tareq Samini, 45, carving with his chisel the name of a shaheed (martyr), a young soldier killed in the central city of Homs.

"A tombstone is a luxury that we offer in peacetime, not wartime," says colleague Jihad Jano.

See more images of the Syrian conflict on PhotoBlog.

Goran Tomasevic / Reuters

After months of protests and violent crackdowns, a look back at the violence that has overtaken the country.



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From Sickness to Wellness to FITNESS ... - Lifestyle for Health

For years I thought that ?not being sick? meant I was healthy.? Then I learned that a lack of symptoms?didn?t?mean I was healthy at all!? In fact I actually had a lot of symptoms of poor health but had no way of recognizing it.

I was often tired, didn?t sleep, and had emotional meltdowns and brain fog.? Those symptoms were so ?normal? for me that I had no clue they indicated adrenal fatigue.? From that simple beginning I spent almost 20 years restoring my health with an organic diet, lots of pure water and a whole lot of quality supplementation.

I did cleanses and worked with chiropractors, wholistic dentists, and massage therapists to continue to build my health.? I had great cholesterol, blood pressure and other ?scores.?? I had built health but not FITNESS!? I still do all of those things.

It was when I turned 50 that I began to get the insight that health doesn?t necessarily mean FITNESS!? I might have been healthy, but I got winded walking up stairs.? I couldn?t walk on the beach due to poor balance and I couldn?t lift my luggage into the overhead rack on an airplane.

That was when I knew I had to start moving and exercising.? The next seven years I pursued exercising with a single focus expecting all of the results to just fall into place.? I did lose weight, but not body fat.? I could do more in some areas, but would still not call myself FIT!

18 months ago I was introduced to The Body by Vi 90 Day Challenge.? Yes, I love the shake and the products (I?ve dropped 15% body fat and added 5% lean muscle ? - so that is awesome).? But far more important has been the result of my 90 Day Challenges.? (Note the plural ? it is now a lifestyle!)

My 1st Challenge was to lean down and I did go down about 2 jean sizes.

My 2nd Challenge was to muscle up and I increased my workouts with my trainer to twice a week and I dropped another 2 jean sizes and began to see some muscle definition.

My 3rd Challenge was a Kickboxing Video and sparring in the ring with a 2-time world champion!? Now that rocked me totally out of my comfort zone.? Yet it became so much fun!

My 4th?Challenge was to race my first 10K (Bolder Boulder) and do 9,000 pushups.? I did the 10K and was not even winded!? I also did 10,000 pushups (a much nicer number, don?t you think?).? It amazed even me.

My 5th Challenge is to create ?Marine Muscles?.? I?m working with a former Marine who has given me a game plan I can do at home or on the road.? It has great clarity and I?m excited to realize I can do it and I can still balance my life and schedule.

Truly the 90 Day Challenge is more than a shake ? - ? it is a lifestyle that is getting me FIT at 59 and giving me a quality of life I never had when I pursued only health or weight loss.

Isn?t it time for YOU to get FIT and join me on your 90 Day Challenge?

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to Stop an Affair Before it Starts - Medical Travel Club

Wouldn?t it be peerless whether you could foretell the hereafter and stop your mate from ever fooling aboard you? I know it sounds ignorant merely it is feasible apt block one business ahead it starts?even it it?s occurred onward.,studio beats dre

The problem is that everyone who gets marital doesn?t think apt themselves ?I?m going to get married,dre beats,stay faithful as a few years and afterward deceive aboard my mate Relationships are perplexing and the more accent we combine to them the more perplexing they transformed and it?s these complexities and stresses is guide to affairs.

Even whether your mate has strayed,dr.dre, it is feasible apt affair proof your wedding and keep them from straying afresh only either you and your spouse need to be aboard the same canvas whether it?s going to work.

Affairs don?t happen overnight. They usually begin out as a small emotional connection among two people who have something within common ahead becoming full blown physical happenings The emotional connection can be laborious to recognize by both parties for there are no physical boundaries to cross barely whether you are aware of what some of the signs are you might be skillful apt block one affair along it starts.

The First Rule apt Affair Proof Your Marriage

If you absence apt business testimony your matrimony you absence to begin by identifying acceptable boundaries with members of the contrary sex. This is particularly true if you?ve yet been victimized by an affair.

Start out by making a account of behaviors and actions and go though them one by one and rank them from 1 apt 10,??????????????,an being acceptable and 10 being not acceptable. Some of these actions might include:

Work affix and come up with a account that you either can accede on afterward rank the activities accordingly. This longing assistance you to nail acceptable boundaries in relationships outdoor your marriage.

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5 Ways to Bomb Your Marriage | Simplifythis

Image by Steve Snodgrass


You try getting your partner to do things. You wish your partner would just know what you wanted. You?ve thrown tantrums, shot poison darts, needled, and lobbed anger bombs. You may have even given up altogether. If you?re one of the millions of busy entrepreneurs struggling with their marriages, it might be time to change tactics.

Terrence Real has been helping couples for nearly 30 years developing solidly scientific theories about what makes relationships succeed or fail. He has identified five losing strategies which are guaranteed to sabotage your most intimate relationships.

I?ve seen these lizard-level attempts at intimacy in my own relationships, and those of my clients, so I thought I?d shed some light on them in the hope they?ll scurry away.

Here?s how to sabotage your relationship:

1. Be Right. Also known as ?The Lawyer?: you need to start keeping better records, do a better job of writing things down, or you Google the facts to prove your point: you?re acting the part of the Lawyer.

Underneath the Lawyer, there is a usually legitimate request: and the antidote for the Lawyer is to ask for what you want. (ie. Please slow down. Would you mind cleaning the kitchen?)

2. Have Control. You wish you had superpowers and could magically make your partner do what you want. You find yourself reading books with titles like ?Get Anyone to Do Anything??. You think that real life will start when your plan works and your spouse finally changes.

This is controlling your partner. You are controlling your partner when you start thinking that if you chant, pray, wish, meditate enough, your partner will change. You are a magician!

Guess what? You can only create your own character, not your spouse?s. It?s not ?How can I get ?em to change?? but ?Is there anything I can change so I can be happy now?? Work your magic on yourself, not on your partner.

3. Emotionally Vomit. ?You write long letters to your spouse about exactly what is wrong with them and the relationship. You deliver a twenty minute lecture about how they?ve hurt you. You vent to your partner, and lay it all out there.

If an argument with your spouse is explosive and dramatic, and afterwards you get a huge feeling of relief, you may have just emotionally vomited all over your marriage.

Constructive self-expression can be very useful in relationships, but we don?t need to express ourselves to the point where we draw a crowd. Express yourself with care.

4. Practice the Art of War. It?s your job to take the trash out, but he worked through dinner, so you just leave it there to stink. Leaving after a fight, you lock him out of the house. Real says the fourth losing strategy is ?Retaliation,? taking revenge on our partners, either aggressively or passively.

If you find yourself getting a thrill out of the mean-spirited banter that goes on at your house, you might be engaged in retaliation. As intimate partners, we have access to all the buttons, and we know how to push them.

The way to repair and reconciliation not through petty revenge: Be a lover, not a hater.

5. Give Up. You take your ball and go home. With the help of some choice substances, you go comfortably numb. You go into your cave to hibernate. You?re sleepwalking through your marriage.

If you find yourself spending more and more time at work, just so you can avoid the headaches at home, you might be engaged in what Real calls the fifth losing strategy, ?Withdrawal.?

What is ironic is that Withdrawal is actually a close cousin of a winning strategy: Acceptance. Both of these strategies involve taking some distance, but they have very different qualities: resentful and bitter, hurt, angry and self-righteous versus loving and kind, calm, peaceful and centered. In Acceptance, you recognize you cannot change your partner, but you can change the way you relate to your partner. It?s called a relationship reckoning: Acceptance and True Love.

The difficulties involved in maintaining modern intimate relationships can seem overwhelming?especially if all we do is argue over facts, throw rocks, or withhold sex in a vain attempt to change our partners.

After trying for years to maintain a marriage using the above losing strategies, are you ready to flip them on their head and try the antidotes? Do you know other antidotes that we have not described?


Writer Hadley Earabino is a Career, Relationship and Life Coach on

Image by Steve Snodgrass


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pattaya condominium buyers shift their focus to non-seaview ...

Savvy buyers are moving away from properties with a view of Pattaya?s waterfronts

It has been revealed by property consultancy agency, Knight Frank, that there were about 34,060 condominium units in Pattaya located in about 112 projects, a supply which has accumulated since 2007. The majority of condominium units in Pattaya are non-seaview, representing about 43 percent of the total amount of condos, or about 14,733 units, whereas the amount of seaview and partly seaview condominiums represented 32 percent and 25 percent of the total amount respectively.

The company?s research has shown that the highest demand for Pattaya condominiums is for non-seaview projects, with about 7,995 units sold as of the first half of 2012, representing about 54.3 percent of potential sales. The demand for seaview condominiums in Pattaya saw a sale of 5,110 units, around 47.8 percent of the total available, whereas the partly seaview projects were the lowest in demand, with only 4,072 units sold, or 47.2 percent of those available.

Miss Risinee Sarikaputra, the associate director of Research & Valuation at Knight Frank Thailand said that non-seaview condominium projects that are located in close proximity to the beach, attracted condo-buyers who buy the units for second homes or vacation homes, since the projects can offer attractive properties at a price up to two times lower than that of a project next door which provides a seaview.

Miss Risinee added that smart investors are paying attention to off-beach, non-seaview condominium projects due to selling prices which are cheap and will be able to gain more capital appreciation. Secondly, in buying to let, these units are easily rented since the majority of leases work in various industrial estates in the area and they can avoid the traffic in Pattaya city. Thirdly, facilities and amenities are spreading to many parts of the city, such as along Sukhumvit Road from South Pattaya to Na Jomtien.

Knight Frank?s research has shown that the selling price of non-seaview condominium projects which are located off-beach have an average price of THB43,741 (US$1396) per square metre since the cost of land was cheap. Meanwhile, the non-seaview condominiums which are located in close proximity to the beach sold at an average of THB48,486 (US$1547) per square metre, whilst city condominiums had the highest selling prices, with the average cost being THB61,630 (US$1968) per square metre.


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PFT: Steelers activate Harrison? |? Britt set for Titans

James+Starks+Tampa+Bay+Buccaneers+v+Green+6Oj1ae7TS_ylGetty Images

Packers running back James Starks has missed out on opportunities to stake a claim to a spot in the backfield rotation because of turf toe and it doesn?t sound like he?ll be healthy enough to take advantage of them anytime soon.

?James Starks, just talking to the medical staff, is coming along slow,? coach Mike McCarthy said, via Tyler Dunne of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. ?So we?ll just continue to treat him. He hasn?t made a whole of progress here of late.?

Starks hasn?t practiced since suffering the injury in the team?s first preseason game, leaving him to watch as Cedric Benson arrived and moved right to the top of the depth chart of the position. The Packers have also been taking the wraps off of second-year player Alex Green as he gets further away from the torn ACL that spoiled his rookie season and both backs appear to be better fits for what the Pack wants out of the position this year than Starks did in his brief availability during camp.

That raises the question of what kind of future Starks has in Green Bay. The uncertainty regarding his health makes it hard to hold a roster spot for him if the Packers risk losing a player who can definitely contribute to the team in the early part of the season, especially if the Pack isn?t sure he?d be getting many reps when he?s healthy. Their other choices would be to put Starks on injured reserve or release him, both of which would leave them without his services when and if he gets well.

In theory, Starks would be an ideal candidate to take advantage of the proposed change to injured reserve which would have allowed a team to activate a player after eight weeks. The league and the NFLPA couldn?t agree to pass the rule because the league wanted to change the rules regarding padded practices in exchange for implementing the revised IR rule and a later trade deadline.

Without that option available, it looks like the Packers are going to have a tough choice to make about Starks in the coming days.



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Improve wellness and saftely within the workplace with corporate risk

The conventional foundation around risk management is to improve the wellness and the safety within the workplace that has drastically changed the aspects of safety management entirely. These modifications represented a call for solutions that resulted in the foundation of the concept of ?obligation of concern? into Occupational Health and Safety Environmental lawmaking within International arenas. These modifications in legislation focus represented a discrete deviation from circumstantial compliance?s within the legislative framework that has previously occurred that compelled managers to follow on an ordered set of regulations. Once the principles were abided with zero legal action can be brought against these managing directors. The obligation from care type of legislation demands managers in addition to company owners to demonstrate substantial risks and establish commands that will reduce the chances to tolerable levels.

The complete definition of risk differs from indefinite discipline to another and is even justified within the same area where there are occasionally unsupported definitions. In the circumstance of certain business directions, risk can be represented as the chance from losses or gains. Nevertheless, the chance of an occurrence of a specific adverse effect from damages and suffering, is watched by the Health, safety, and environmental? standpoint, only negative risk are considered. The term ?risk assessment? is generally applied in several ways to identify a few techniques of identifying, understanding and mastering risks. Risk Assessment can be represented as identifiable, detailed and orderly examination by any activity, placement or operating system to describe risks, realize the odds and possible outcomes by the risks and to critique the current or aforethought approaches to controlling the risks, resulting in bringing additional controls wherever it is called for.

Productive risk controlled companies will allow the outcomes such as reinforced productiveness, health, safety, production, environmental protection, as well as community acceptance, etc. The usage of risk management also expands into the domain of corporate accountability that is done through the demand of enterprise wide risk management. These consists primarily of the activities of ownership, dedication, executive leading, enabling frameworks and the uninterrupted process advanced activities. Ultimately, risk management is applied because one of the tools to handle the companies by managing the reputation of the organization. These are accomplished by fiscal as well as non-financial natural processes that collective managers engage in.

To suggest how the varied levels of risk management are associated, it would be safe to say that, on an operational audit, the functional risk assessments is appraised, and at the closing of the audit, and nonconformists within the risk assessment procedure are described as corrections. It is a recognized fact that the introduction of risk assessment that constructs in business has significantly altered their approaching from an activated management approach to a more concrete management style that includes a more naturalistic way of allocating resources and handle particular risks in a verifiable manner.

Learn more about regulatory reporting or liquidity risk management

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Monday, August 27, 2012

How To Attract Women After Divorce - Huffington Post

Dating after divorce can seem overwhelming. It may have been a decade or more since you've been "out there," and you may feel confused or downright clueless about how to get your game back to attract new women into your world. Though you may feel nervous at first, you may find that it is even easier than before because you are now older, wiser and closer to knowing what you want. You just need a few tools to use to attract that perfect woman.

Overall, the secret to attracting anyone in your life is feeling good about yourself and projecting it outward. Here are answers to some commonly asked dating questions:

What should I wear on a date?
If a man is wearing something he feels good in, he is going to come across as a confident, successful alpha man, which is what women like. Wear clothes that are:

? Updated, stylish, comfortable and that fit your body well
? Those you wish you could wear every day
? Age and occasion appropriate
? Really express your personality
? Clean, well pressed and in good condition
? Colors that flatter your skin tone
? Polished, updated shoes
? Quality fabrics that don't cling, pucker or pull

You may want to find a stylist or a savvy female friend to help guide you.

What about hygiene?
Grooming is extremely important, as women really pay attention to this. Your ex-wife might have forgiven the over-grown and unruly hairs but it is not so appealing to a new prospective mate. Make sure your facial hair is neatly groomed, your hair is styled, your nails are short and your skin looks nice. It helps if you smell nice too. Don't pour the bottle of cologne on or you'll suffocate her. Instead, you should smell fresh and clean with maybe a dab of tasteful cologne. Women like men who take care of themselves.

How should I approach women?
Most men feel uncomfortable when first approaching an attractive woman. This usually stems from being nervous about saying the wrong thing and fear of rejection. Get out of your head. Just be in the moment and talk with her. Don't just talk about yourself. Ask questions about her life. One common mistake is trying too hard and being very serious when talking with women. It can almost feel more like an interview with memorized canned questions rather than an easy conversation. Be more playful and mix it up a bit to enjoy the new you and you'll see how easy it is to create attraction. Most women love when you give them attention, especially if you say things in an authentic way. The truth of the matter is that your "dating muscle" is atrophied after not using it for a while, so you have to exercise it and get it back in action. One way to do this is to get comfortable approaching everyone when you are out and about. Approach at least three people (both men and women) a day during your daily routine. Give compliments to people you meet. Women love when you notice something about them. After doing several approaches a day, it will get a lot easier and feel more natural.

How can I build a new social circle?
It is true that you did a lot of "married" activities with your ex-wife as a couple. Often your friends change as you step into the single world. Not only do you do things solo, but different activities may interest you now. The most important thing is to find other single friends you can do things with. It will open up your world and create new possibilities for meeting women. Explore several avenues by getting involved in networking groups, single events, outdoor group gatherings, regular trips to the gym and more. If you are having a difficult time knowing what to get involved in, think about three skills or hobbies you have or want to learn more about and research groups that relate to them. Discover what makes you tick and you'll build your social circle with other like-minded singles.

How can I overcome the divorce stigma?
Men often think they are painted with a scarlet letter once they are divorced. Actually, many women say that they prefer a divorced man because they like the fact that he has been in a long term relationship before and knows how to share with a partner. Marriage teaches you how to compromise, how to be more giving and how to understand women's needs. Just because you are divorced doesn't mean you have some sort of disease. Remember, over 50 percent of the population is in the same boat, so you are not alone. Instead, own who you are and enjoy your newfound freedom. This is your time to start over, enjoy yourself and have fun.

Although starting over can be intimidating and a little scary, it can actually be freeing and exciting as you embark upon a new adventure. This is your chance to explore the world and meet various women. By doing this, you'll discover who you are separate from the woman you were with for many years and find out what you would like and need in a future relationship. Remember, the dating road is not a dead end; it's an avenue to an exhilarating new journey.

Kimberly Seltzer LCSW is a Therapist, Matchmaker, Personal Image Expert and Dating Coach at The Art of Charm.


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Real Estate Marketing: Worst Content Strategies of 2012 | Instant ...

Content has quickly become a major differentiating factor between real estate investor and companies which are coming out on top and those which flop. However, getting it right can be a little trickier than some would have you believe. So what major mistakes have others been making you should strive to avoid?

7 Worst Content Marketing Blunders of 2012

1. Content Theft
With the need for content and lots of it so important and a lack of creativity and time many ?entrepreneurs? and new real estate investing related companies have simply resorted to content theft. Not only is this not right it can lead to getting shut down by the search engines or at a minimum means self-sabotaging search engine rankings. Don?t do it, it?s an expensive waste of time.

2. Poor Quality [Cheap] Content
Outsourcing content needs is great but you won?t find $1 an hour offshore assistants who can whip up great real estate copy which helps search engine rankings or converting more prospects into paying clients. Take note of just how important content is to real estate investing success today and how much the most successful companies and websites are paying their freelance and ghost writers. Many fork out $100 or more for a blog post, article or mailer, though even those with mid-range success today have had to suck up inflation and boost their budgets to $20-40 apiece.

3. DIY Content
Of course no one else may be able to get over your exact voice and ideas perfectly every single time but that doesn?t mean you should be trying to do it all yourself. As a pro real estate investor you have bigger things to work on. Delegate and when you are inspired or have the extra time fill in with a post or two of your own. However, note that others may have more experience at creating content which really sells. Finally, don?t fall into the idiotic trap which a few have stumbled into recently which is hiring low quality writers to start pieces and then finishing them yourself. That is double work and double cost, often for even worse content!

4. Failure to Mix it up
While most content is focused on the typed word today great content marketing should include a variety of mediums including audio, video and original images. Search engines and prospects will reward you for mixing it up.

5. No Diversity in Messages
There are many opinions out there on whether social and blog content should be all sales focused or 100% value focused with no sales pitches. The bottom line is that diversity is the answer. You need to provide value to be taken seriously and keep consumers wired in but at the same time you need to pitch them in order to convert them and drive them to take action. Don?t forget to keep it interesting either.

6. Not Doing Enough
While content marketing may not be free or cheap it works wonders for both short term profits and long term income. However, it does require volume and there is a huge disparity in the results of those who publish daily and those who don?t.

7. Failure to Test
Just as with any other part of your real estate investing business content should be tested and tweaked regularly. This includes length, voice, and depth of content and timing of publishing.
The key to success is quality, common sense, delivering what they want and smart strategy in flow and conversions.


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How to Get Visible Online So People Will Say ?I See You ...

Article by Celene Harrelson

How would you like to get visible online so people are telling you that they see you everywhere they go? That should be your goal. You should be leaving your virtual footprint everywhere you go! So just how do you go about doing that? There are lots of ways.

First, are you crystal clear about your niche? Do you know who your ideal customer is, what their problems are and how you can help them? If not, you had better find out. If you don?t know your audience, how will you know how to serve them?

Next you need to know your expertise within that niche. For example, I am in the beginner internet marketing niche. I teach new internet marketers who want to build an internet business how to get started online and how to do marketing to get free traffic to their blogs and websites. Frankly, I?m very good at it, but my expertise is teaching you how to get comfortable with WordPress so growing your business is easier and your marketing efforts get results!

Now you will want to start working on that virtual foot print so you will get visible online. So just how do you do that? There are a gazillion ways. The most important trick is to do something every single day to leave your mark.

Are you on Facebook and Twitter? Do you post and tweet something valuable to your friends and followers several times every day? You don?t have to live on social media to accomplish this, that?s what social media management tools like HootSuite are all about. You?ve told me that you don?t know what to say on social media, so here?s an idea that will help you to get conversations started.

First you need to make sure you are writing relevant and useful content on your blog. Then you?ll want be sure to tell your social media audience about it. Tweet little bits of your blog posts with a link back to the post and put excerpts of it on Facebook.

After you?ve published your blog post, then turn it into an article on the article directories. My personal favorite directory that has given me the greatest exposure is Submit Your Articles.

You can also record yourself reading your article on a mini-podcast with When you go there, follow me and let me know in a comment and I?ll follow you back!

Then there are teleseminars, webinars, videos, free reports, guest blogging, and even live events to help you to get visible online and leave your virtual footprint. That?s just a few of the marketing strategies to build online visibility and drive traffic back to your blog where you then can sell your products and create income. Of course most of these strategies are much easier to do with WordPress!

About the Author

Receive Celene?s complementary 3 part audio training to build your online business at My Online Business Training

Celene Teaches You How To Build And Maintain Your WordPress Website And The Marketing Strategies To Get The Free Traffic You Need To Increase Your Blogs Readership And Build An Online Business. It Isn?t Hard, If You Know How.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines

whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.


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Book Review: Resonate (Nancy Duarte)

ResonateResonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences?is the second book from presentation superhero Nancy Duarte.

It is also the second book of hers which I strongly recommend you read ? immediately.

This article is the latest of a series of public speaking book reviews here on Six Minutes.

What?s Inside?

Duarte?s first book, slide:ology, addressed the challenge of designing visuals to support your message. Her second book, Resonate, addresses the more fundamental issue of deciding what your message will be. As such, Resonate will appeal universally to all speakers.

Resonate has nine chapters, covering 272 pages of deliciously beautiful writing and visuals:

ChapterPrimary takeaway
1Why Resonate?Presentations will motivate your audience to move if you match your message perfectly to their frequency.
2Lessons from Myths and MoviesThe plot structure from literature and filmmaking relates to the structure of great presentations in intriguing ways.
3Get to Know the HeroAudience analysis is critical, because they are the hero of your presentation, not you.
4Define the JourneyBecause audience members will resist, you need to use persuasive techniques to have them adopt your message.
5Create Meaningful ContentPresentation content must be more than facts; it must include meaningful ideas, stories, contrast, and emotion.
6Structure Reveals InsightsThe way you organize a sequence of ideas matters.
7Deliver Something They?ll Always RememberIncorporating a S.T.A.R. moment into your presentation makes it memorable.
8There?s Always Room to ImproveIntense preparation and rehearsal are needed for a truly remarkable presentation.
9Change Your WorldThrough presentations, we can influence the world around us, no matter who we are.

The main text is supported with copious illustrations, diagrams, and photographs. As well, detailed case studies are sprinkled throughout. It covers both theory and practical tips for crafting your message.

The Price

At the time of writing this review, you can get this book for only $15.88?from This is 47% off the list price. That is ridiculously good value.

3 Things I Love about Resonate

I read Resonate twice, once for pleasure (on the beach, as shown in the picture), and once before writing this review.

I could easily list 33 things I loved about Resonate, but for the sake of brevity, here are three things I liked most:

1. Numerous case studies

There are seventeen case studies woven into Resonate, stretching from Abraham Lincoln?s Gettysburg Address to contemporary TED talks. The analysis presented is insightful and captivating.

2. It?s beautiful? in an important way

When discussing the creative team led by Alfred Hitchcock, Duarte writes:

The presenter is the public persona of a single individual, but in reality, the best presentations result from the collaborative efforts of an empowered team behind the scenes.

This is true for?Resonate?as well. Nancy Duarte deserves credit as the author, but the collaborative efforts of the Duarte firm make the book beautiful. By ?beautiful?, I don?t mean simply that ?the photos were nice? or ?the typesetting was elegant?; rather, the numerous visuals add tremendous value to the book.

3. The best treatment of contrast

Great presentations employ contrast in numerous ways. No book handles this topic in a more compelling manner than Resonate. Indeed, contrast is at the very heart of Duarte?s presentation form, which contrasts between ?what is? and ?what could be?.

How could it be better?

Finding deficiencies in Resonate is a bit like using laser imaging to find imperfections in the Mona Lisa. Nonetheless, all books can be better, so here are a few ideas I suggest if I were the editor:

1. Follow a Single Example Presentation from Concept to Completion

In my review of slide:ology, I wrote:

I?d like to see one example to which the entire?slide:ology?methodology would be applied. Start by setting the context, and then show the steps to the final presentation.

I feel the same thing is needed for Resonate ? take a single presentation, start with idea formation and audience analysis, and carry through all the way to a thorough outline of material (where then the concepts of slide:ology help to develop support visuals).

There is a phenomenal diagram spread between pages 142 and 143 which depicts the entire process from idea generation to visuals. (This diagram alone is worth the price of the book.) I would have liked to see ?Chapter 10: A Complete Case Study? open with this diagram, and then proceed to walk through the process in detail for a single presentation.

Note: In the slide:ology review, I also asked for a more comprehensive table of contents. Resonate?s table of contents is perfect!

?I strongly recommend you read Resonate ??immediately.?

2. More explicit use of audience analysis in latter chapters.

The early chapters of Resonate focus heavily on audience analysis. Indeed, this is the focus of Chapter 3, and much of Chapter 4.

Later chapters, however, don?t include many explicit references to audience analysis. For example, in Chapter 5, when discussing how to select and organize material, I think there?s an opportunity here to emphasize that the audience?s needs should dictate the selection and organization. Failing to draw upon audience analysis during this phase?is an issue which troubles students in my presentation classes, and I wish Resonate would have made the connection stronger.

3. Better sorting of some topics.

I felt that the early chapters held together quite well, but some later chapters seemed a little less focussed. For example, Chapter 8 focuses on preparation and practice, but starts with twelve pages that deal with topics which are more about content creation/organization, avoiding jargon, and delivery issues. Those twelve pages have useful information, but I?m just not sure they are placed properly within the overall book.

On this theme, the chapter introductions and summaries could have been improved to emphasize unity in the chapter material.

What Other Presentation Experts Wrote about Resonate

Kathy Reiffenstein:

Resonate is being called groundbreaking and magnificent. I don?t think that?s hyperbole. [...] Rush out and buy resonate. It belongs on your bookshelf, to be consulted frequently.

Nick Morgan,?Public Words:

Duarte is one who gets the idea that speeches need the same techniques and structural devices that make movies interesting. ?Situation, complication, resolution. ?Tension and release. ?The audience?s journey. ?Good speechwriters need to know and use these concepts ? and Nancy makes them clear and usable for you.

Alex Rister,?Creating Communication:

Resonate [...] is one of my presentation bibles.

Ian Griffin, Professionally Speaking:

My one complaint with resonate is that the subtitle is too limiting. It?s far more than a book on how to ?present visual stories?; rather, it?s an extensive listing of the secrets and essential truths of the best storytellers and public speakers, whether they use visuals or not.

Brent Dykes, PowerPoint Ninja:

Resonate is a great ?strategic? design book and a worthy addition to any presenter?s library. Nancy Duarte made me think and re-evaluate my own presentation design style, which I think is a compliment to her new book.

Rohit Bhargava, Influential Marketing Blog:

Even if all your presenting is done with PowerPoint, focusing on the story instead of the slides is the real secret to being a compelling presenter and communicator. Resonate is a brilliant guidebook to help you get there.

Dave Paradi:

Is this book valuable if you are an everyday presenter? Absolutely. Look past some of the examples that may not be from the world you live in, and focus on the key ideas that are applicable to all presentations.

Olivia Mitchell,?Speaking about Presenting:

If you?re a presentation geek, you?ll want this book on your bookshelf.

Nancy?s TEDx Talk

Nancy Duarte spoke at TEDx East and gave a capsule presentation of the key ideas in Resonate:

YouTube Preview Image


Exactly four years ago,?I reviewed?Nancy Duarte?s first book, slide:ology. In that review, I wrote:

I highly recommend?slide:ology. It is destined to become a classic reference text for presentation skills.

Resonate?deserves the same high praise. You should get yourself a copy today.?I only wish I could send copies to every?Six Minutes?reader.


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How Can I Get Rid Of Acne Scars ? Discover How | Linksparadise ...

Getting rid of acne scarring could be an easy process, once you use the correct methods. Previously, I have suffered with acne, and the consequences of marks, however I soon found a couple of methods to get rid of them up. Let me explain to you how to get rid of red acne scar issues fast, with a few secure and natural strategies.

In case you are the sort of individual who efforts to cover up their own face in humiliation, because it looks like everybody is looking, then you must locate a remedy for getting rid of acne marks, How To Get Rid Of Acne Scars. If you have tried every little thing and nothing at all seems to display good results, then allow me to teach you what?s performed for me personally.

There are many factors to get rid of acne marks. I do know what it is like, and wanting to eliminate them can look impossible. I?ve employed a lot of over the counter treatments, but absolutely nothing appears to function. I have also used Tea Tree Oil, and Fresh Lemon Juice, and they?ve actually aided. How to get rid of red acne scars quick from residence. Utilize these all-natural techniques.

Tea Tree Oil is also an additional all-natural remedy for acne scar issues, and functions in the same way as lemon juice. As well as bleaching, each of those also help make the skin much softer, and improve the curing process? Getting Rid Of Acne Scars. Many individuals think that scarring aren?t permanent, and if you know the proper solutions, you can eliminate them.

Fresh lemon juice is one of the leading organic remedies for acne scarring, and most people who?ve tried this, claim it is great. The reason fresh lemon juice is so good at removing facial and body scar issues, is because it lightly bleaches your skin, and you might detect a marked improvement nearly immediately. I?ve used this, and nonetheless do, and so do numerous of my buddies, who I?ve helped over the years.

Utilizing these strategies is simple, and you only must put on the fruit juice and oil to the affected area, just as you would having a moisturizing cream- Pimple Scar Remover. Leave on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes, and then merely wash away with warm water that is clean. You?ll be able to see positive results in only a couple of days. If you nonetheless have problems with acne, then these home remedies also work well at eliminating that as well.

Finding out how to get rid of red acne scar issues rapidly, is feasible, and the above all-natural treatments do function, if you give them time. I realize it could be demanding, and covering beneath garments or scarves around your face and neck can sometimes get boring: Read More. Receive my word for it, you are able to get rid of your acne and scar issues, and these simple house treatments are just the beginning.

Acne in itself is very frustrating and difficult and on top of every thing it results in horrible acne marks that never let you forget about the existence of the acne. Many solutions speak about preventing acne and treating acne, but extremely seldom do you get somebody to speak on how to get rid of acne marks and acne scar issues and get back your beautiful shiny skin tone.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Does Apple patent victory mean fewer smartphone choices?

Apple's $1 billion jury award may keep others from making Android smartphones, fearing an Apple lawsuit. Samsung vows to fight the verdict.

By Paul Elias,?Associated Press / August 25, 2012

Visitors shop around Samsung's smartphones at a shopping mall in Seoul, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. A US jury found that the South Korean phonemaker stole Apple's iPhone and iPad technology and awarded Apple $1 billion in damages.

Lee Jin-man/AP


A jury's conclusion that Samsung stole the innovative technology used by?Apple to create its revolutionary iPhone and iPad could mean fewer smartphone options for consumers to choose from, analysts said.

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Apple?Inc.'s $1-billion (?800-million) legal victory sends a warning to other companies manufacturing similar devices, the biggest marketplace threat to?Apple.

A federal jury's found Friday that Seoul-based Samsung Electronic Co. stole?Apple's?technology to make and market smartphones using Google's Android software.

"Some of these device makers might end up saying, 'We love Android, but we really don't want to fight with Apple?anymore,'" said Christopher Marlett, CEO of MDB Capital Group, an investment bank specializing in intellectual property. "I think it may ultimately come down to Google having to indemnify these guys, if it wants them to continue using Android."

That's if the verdict stands. Samsung, the global leader among smartphone makers, vowed to fight. Its lawyers told the judge it intended to ask her to toss out the verdict.

"This decision should not be allowed to stand because it would discourage innovation and limit the rights of consumers to make choices for themselves," Samsung lead lawyer John Quinn said. He argued that the judge or an appeals court should overturn the verdict.

Apple?lawyers plan to formally demand Samsung pull its most popular cellphones and computer tablets from the U.S. market. They also can ask the judge to triple the damages from $1.05 billion to $3 billion.

U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh will decide those issues, along with Samsung's demand she overturn the jury's verdict, in several weeks. Quinn said Samsung would appeal if the judge refuses to toss out the decision.

Apple?Inc. filed its patent infringement lawsuit in April 2011 and engaged the country's highest-paid patent lawyers to demand $2.5 billion from its top smartphone competitor. Samsung Electronics Co. fired back with its own lawsuit seeking $399 million.

The jury on Friday rejected all Samsung's claims against?Apple, but also decided against some of?Apple'sclaims involving the two dozen Samsung devices at issue.

It found that several Samsung products illegally used such?Apple?creations as the "bounce-back" feature when a user scrolls to an end image, and the ability to zoom text with a tap of a finger.

The U.S. case was the latest skirmish in a global legal battle between the two tech giants. Its outcome is likely to have ripple effects in the smartphone market. Other device makers relying on Android, the mobile operating system that Google Inc. has given for free to Samsung and other phone makers, may be more reluctant to use the software and risk getting dragged into court.

During closing arguments,?Apple?attorney Harold McElhinny claimed Samsung had a "crisis of design" after the 2007 launch of the iPhone, and executives were determined to cash in illegally on the success of the revolutionary device.

Samsung's lawyers countered that it was legally giving consumers what they want: smartphones with big screens. They said Samsung didn't violate?Apple's?patents and alleged innovations claimed by?Apple?were created by other companies.

Samsung said after the verdict that it was "unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners."

"This is by no means the final word in this case," Quinn said in a statement. "Patent law should not be twisted so as to give one company a monopoly over the shape of smartphones."

The jurors' determination that Samsung took?Apple's?ideas probably matters more to the companies than the monetary damages, Marlett said.

"I don't know if $1 billion is hugely significant to?Apple?or Samsung," Marlett said. "But there is a social cost here. As a company, you don't want to be known as someone who steals from someone else. I am sure Samsung wants to be known as an innovator, especially since a lot of Asian companies have become known for copying the designs of innovators."

Apple?and Samsung combined account for more than half of global smartphone sales. Samsung has sold 22.7 million smartphones and tablets that?Apple?claimed uses its technology. McElhinny said those devices accounted for $8.16 billion in sales since June 2010.

Samsung's Galaxy line of phones run on Android, and ISI Group analysts viewed the verdict as a blow to Android as much as Samsung.


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Video: Panel breaks down the GOP convention

A Second Take on Meeting the Press: From an up-close look at Rachel Maddow's sneakers to an in-depth look at Jon Krakauer's latest book ? it's all fair game in our "Meet the Press: Take Two" web extra. Log on Sundays to see David Gregory's post-show conversations with leading newsmakers, authors and roundtable guests. Videos are available on-demand by 12 p.m. ET on Sundays.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Finding Health Insurance Is Easy With These Tips | Contacts ...

Don?t take the default health insurance plan your employer provides, instead look at all the options that are offered to you and choose the one which best fits your family?s needs. Compare what you could get by signing up for private insurance with the offerings you?re given at open enrollment time ? it?s possible you could find a better plan on your own!

Taking a close look at the terms of your health insurance policy will save you a lot of worry when you need to use your coverage. Understand the amount of maximum coverage as well as any deductibles that may apply to the services you use. Don?t hesitate to ask questions if there is anything you don?t understand.

Consider purchasing private health insurance policies for your dependents. Even if your employer offers health insurance coverage, the cost to add your dependents can sometimes be very high. Shopping around for private options can, at times, be worth your while. Some private companies offer lower coverage options, for a lower cost, that may suit your needs.

If you want to keep seeing your favorite doctors, make sure they are included in an insurance company?s provider network before you sign up. If not, you may have to pay extra to see them, if you even can. Don?t switch plans unless you are comfortable with the new plan?s physicians.

Keep yourself aware of enrollment periods for your health insurance. These are the times to make changes to your policy or review before a new policy goes into effect. Many times there may be adjustments to your plan that will increase your costs or make changes to deductibles and co-pays. Staying abreast of these changes will let you continue to budget your health care costs or look for a new policy.

A great health insurance tip that can save you money is to make sure you don?t use any prescriptions that have expired. You might think you?re saving money by using up your old prescriptions, but you?ll only harm yourself, and you?re just insuring another medical visit in the future.

When you think about health insurance, you will want to take a chance to look at prices online. There are several websites which will allow you to see the prices of several different agencies at one time. This is a great way to ensure you are finding the best price possible.

If you make a lot of money in your own small business, it is probably cheaper for you to get private health insurance. There will be no influence on the cost of your premiums from the amount of your income, so it won?t go up or down as your earnings do.

Before searching for new quotes for a health insurance plan, make sure you get up to date on your family?s medical history. Pre-existing conditions, lifestyles, weights and ages all play a big role in where your quote is going to end up. Make sure you are ready to provide all relevant information.

To save money on your health insurance plan, do not be fooled by plans with offers that are too good to be true. For instance, some plans may not require any fees for particular everyday preventative care, but do not have the benefits that many other health insurance plans offer.

Take notes whenever you are talking with your insurer or with your provider. Having a written document of who, what, when, where, and why may be what saves your skin if you have to appeal a claims decision. If talking with your insurance company, you can also ask them to have the call recorded for additional backup.

Whether you pay all or just a portion of your prescriptions, or you have a Health Spending Account to cover those purchases, you want to look for a deal when buying your pills. Check out pharmacies at either major discount retailers, or membership club stores, as their prices will often be very low.

If your income is not as high as you need it to be, it might be tempting to skimp on health insurance. Health insurance premiums can be expensive and the money saved from not paying premiums may help you financially in the short run. Just make sure you have adequate coverage or enough extra funds saved before you lower or drop your health insurance. Accidents and health problems can happen when you do not expect them and that health insurance could come in very handy!

Let?s spend a minute talking about the differences between an HMO and a PPO. HMOs are wellness-focused: they cover almost all preventive exams, their premiums are generally far lower, and your doctor will likely be chosen for you. PPOs, on the other hand, allow you to choose doctors from a PPO network; they do cost more; but on the other hand, they are more focused on treating and covering you when things go wrong, if that makes sense. So if you want to keep costs down and are very healthy, an HMO is your best bet. If you want to be sure your coverage is as high as possible no matter what the contingency, and are willing to pay more for it, a PPO is the right choice for you.

In summary, you want to do all that you can to learn about health insurance. There is a lot of information available, but we have provided some of the most important tips. Hopefully, we have provided you with enough information, to not only give you a solid background, but also further spark your interest for becoming an expert in it.

Delma Zhen is an expert on the subject of How To Improve Eyesight


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Celebrity Chefs Prepare to Amaze Audiences at Food & Drink Festival!

24th Aug

The seventh Mold Food & Drink Festival is but a month away and organisers are anticipating a fantastic turn out to see a trio of talented celebrity chefs over the weekend.

Taking place on Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd September in New Street car park, the festival attracts thousands of foodie fans, many who travel from other parts of the country especially to attend.

Topping the bill on Sunday will be award-winning Italian chef Aldo Zilli, and taking to the stage on Saturday will be chefs Graham Tinsley and Brian Mellor who make a welcome return to the festival.

Aldo learned much about cooking traditional Italian food from his mother during his childhood growing up in Italy and later at catering college.? He has since risen to fame appearing on various television programmes, as a restaurateur and as an accomplished author of numerous cookery books.?

Specialising in seafood and Italian cuisine Aldo is also keen to promote a healthy diet whilst eating delicious, tasty food. At the festival Aldo will be doing three different demonstrations in the Rangemaster Cookery Theatre, including a vegetarian dish taken from his latest book called Fresh & Green which is packed with vegetarian recipes.

Andrew Richards of ASL Celebrity Chefs has worked with the festival over the past couple of years in helping to bring top name chefs to the event.?? He comments ?It?s a pleasure to be involved with the Mold Food & Drink Festival, I?ve made so many good friends along the way.? I have seen the number of visitors grow each year and this is a reflection on the quality and value that the event offers.? ??

Graham Tinsley, Manager of the Welsh National Culinary Team,?will be cooking seafood recipes during two demonstrations on the Saturday.? Currently working as executive chef?at Carden Park Hotel, Spa and Golf Resort in Cheshire, Graham was awarded an MBE by the Queen for his services to the Welsh food industry.?

A further three demonstrations will take place on Saturday by the award-winning Brian Mellor including a masterclass on making perfect gravy and sauces, and inspirational ?chicken dishes.? Brian owns the Brian Mellor Cookery School at Harthill in Cheshire and regularly appears at festivals across the country.?

There will be plenty more cooking action on stage throughout the weekend too, with the live cook-off competition finals featuring our local professional chefs and teenage cooks.

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